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  • So on what grounds DID you vote for him? His brilliant, sharp mind? His love of sniffing little kids and touching them inappropriately? His sexual abuse of numerous women, his Racism, his involvement in Burista, his V.P Pick, or his Socialist policies?

  • Dr. Wolf has a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in English literature in 2015. Her thesis, supervised by Dr. Stefano Evangelista of Trinity College, formed the basis for her 2019 book 'Outrages': Sex, Censorship, and the Criminalization of Love.  Is it any wonder that her mind is so confused and disoriented, it is full of pandemonium and the babble of sexologist.  The woman is a moral wreck and hard-left fema-nazi.  Ms. Wolf lives in San Francisco, California which probably accounts for her skewed world view and nearsighted support of the Democrat Party and Joe Biden.

  • just another LIAR, mr dementia has been very upfront about shutting down the nation, getting rid of fossil fuels so we can live in the stone age, and sending all the jobs Trump brought back to china again, the only things he has been open and honest about

  • Typical commiedemoncrat: they never think beforehand.

    • Melanie, they don't know how to think, they only know how to do what they are told and believe what they are told to believe!!!!!

    • Afterhand either!


  • Well Dr. Wolf, you should have pulled your head out of your rearend before you voted. Being a doctor you should have been smart enough to do your homework on O'Biden!!!

    • Let us just say that one of Ms. Wolf's many books is titled "Vagina" and that may be the orifice she needs to keep her head from exploring.  Her blind vote for Joe Biden not only was ill-advised but frankly is a betrayal of her crusade for feminism.

    • Gary, it is stuck so far up there and so tightly wedged it won't ever come out!!!!!

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