
  • Right on

  • She hits the nail on the head.

  • I am with her all the way.

  • This women must dismay Black Lesbian Marxists.

  • Yep, COUNT all the LEGAL votes, so we can SHOW how all the ILLEGAL votes were CAST and/or COUNTED.  

    Only then can we write legislation (FEDERAL) that standardizes election rules across ALL states and counties TO ENSURE ONLY LEGAL VOTES ARE CAST. 

    Here's an idea: get RID of most of that HAVA crap, and everything else the Democrats have demanded to make voting "easier" for "their people".  


  • DemocRats Are The Evil In America! Trump Is My President! Count All Legal Votes!

  • Everyone knows that Trump won the huge majority of legal votes. Alas, in the US of 2020 we cannot trust elections or the courts to admit the mountain of evidence that proves that the election was rigged. Of course, we can't trust the FBI, the CIA, or the DOJ to clean up the rigged election, either. The US sure looks like a failed state because we cannot trust basic elements of a free country like elections, courts, law enforcement, government agencies, etc etc. Therefore, the US can no longer be considered the leader of the free world. We need to be grateful to Trump who showed us and the world honestly that the US is basically a sham of a free country, nothing but a fraud. No wonder the deep state wants to get rid of him.

    • "... the US can no longer be considered the leader of the free world ..." insane thinking. So, by your way of thinking ... lose a hill and quit the entire war??? Nonsense!!

    • that is what Obama wants us to believe in and if Biden won we are going down the hill very fast.

    • Jeff, I think you are mistaken. Trump is the one who tells us honestly what is going on in the US and that we can't trust the election, the courts, law enforcement like FBI, CIA, DOJ and other government agencies like FDA, CDC, etc. Obama and Biden want us to think the election were not rigged for one. 

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