
  • America became a Police State after President Trump came into office and really went ballistic after the installed Puppet Biden took his unelected office

  • Next the demorats will be coming after people who put yard signs in their property which disagree with their idea of who should be in office.

  • we need him whether or not we want him.

  • America is under judgement from God! We have been given reprobate minds for all our decisions to ignore God

  • Trump is correct but the left is basically correct vs the abortion issue! Govt has no right to restrict a woman's right to make personal decisions. My preference ce is to offer all women seeking g an abortion the paid option to carry to term with guaranteed adoption being mandatory and with payment coming from the private sector thereby keeping govt completely out of the issue AND  allow abortions up to about 5 Mos after which they greatly restricted. Govt should not pay for the abortions either. 

    • A woman can prevent pregnacies too if she wanted to, so this crap about abortions being ok is a bunch of bull so that the liberals and femimist don't have to take responsibility for their illresponsible actions that they do. Plus mr ray1547 the woman is the one who laid on her back and spread her legs in the first place without thinking , about the situation so she should take responsibility along with the father of the child instead of making the people pay for it. THEY DONE IT SO LET THEM PAY TO KEEP IT ALIVE.

    • A woman's right to choose is a leftist fabrication, invented to give irresponsible people an easy way to avoid the consequences of immoral and reckless sexual behavior. A woman loses her right to choose as soon as conception happens because, at that point, there are two human beings with rights to consider, not just the mother's rights. The unborn baby has a right to live that overshadows any "inconvenience" to the usually self-centered “mother” carrying the child. The innocent baby is not responsible for the misdeeds and bad decisions of his or her parents. Killing an unwanted pre-born child is no more justified than killing an unwelcome born child, which is called murder in every state except California. There are plenty of barren parents waiting to adopt babies, but, even if that does not happen, the child still has a basic right to live whatever life it can.

    • You are 100% right my friend with both parents duty to pay for their stupidity.

    • right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the mother but not the child...Abortion on demand infringes on the right of the unborn.

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