
  • Another good thing about Trump is that he has exposed all of these rotten low life RINOs who have been wolves in sheep’s clothing. Steele can no longer steal out trust.

  • Idiots

  • What world do these idiots live in?

  • This former RNC CHAIR was neve anything more than  A RINO, and the party is MUCH BETTER OFF SINCE HIS DEPARTURE

  • Said former RNC chair is nothing but a RINO traitor clown who led a bunch of losers into today's garbage.

  • How is Donald Trump a Rino?  What good is a "Big Tent." if the only party having success with their policies are the dumbocrats?  When is the last time a Rublican agenda had success? Newt Gingrich had a moment of success, but it was the "Big tent" that took him and his agenda down.  You have to go all the way back to Ronald Reagan and that was only a partial success as well. F these fake conservatives.


  • Wouldn't it be a great thing to see that sort of a shift in the GOP! Let them all melt down....they are commies, otherwise they'd love the shift! 

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