I truly believe Judge John Bates is a fair judge, and a good man, but today's judgment against my son is a complete travesty. In 2020, America was in flames as Antifa and BLM set fire to city after city - Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, New York, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and so many more. Police stations were torched, and dozens of officers were injured as all manner of projectiles, from rocks to Molotov cocktails, were hurled at them. Dozens of people died. The damage was estimated at over $1.2 billion - the highest in history. And yet there was no outrage from the Justice Department. Instead, silence. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of crimes will never be prosecuted. In New York, the city is paying rioters $13 million for arresting them.

My son, like tens of millions of other Americans, believed the 2020 presidential election had been stolen. He does not belong to any political organization. His only organized involvement in the 2020 elections was with a local church group that met daily to pray the rosary for America. But on January 6 he entered the Capitol after breaking two windows (cost: under $3 thousand). He accepted responsibility for those offenses, as well as other minor ancillary charges. But when he would not plead guilty to the charge of obstruction - as unconstitutional a charge as there ever was, and one which is about to be tossed out by the Supreme Court - the Biden Justice Department unloaded. Two and a half years after he was charged, on the eve of his trial, suddenly the "Justice" Department found he'd "assaulted" a policeman when his body possibly momentarily brushed the officer. For this, my son has now been sentenced to 45 months in prison.

But that is not all. After his conviction the "Justice" Department tried relentlessly but unsuccessfully to pin a terrorism enhancement charge on him, thus equating my son, whose most serious crime ever was a traffic offense, to Osama bin Laden.

This was not a pursuit of justice by a prosecution governed by principle. In Biden's America, justice has no home if you are on the right. This was a political prosecution because my son, Leo Brent Bozell IV carries his father's name, and his father is a known conservative leader who is supporting President Trump in 2024. This is just one more way the Biden administration is trying to shut down the conservative movement in America. But in this case, they failed. I love my son and will be more outspoken than ever. The criminal investigation into this corrupt Justice Department is long overdue.

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