WOW! Fox News CANCELLED @JudgeJeanine tonight. Because YOU KNOW her legal opinion would be perfect right now! 😡
— 🇺🇸Maggie VandenBerghe🇺🇸 (@FogCityMidge) November 7, 2020
Just heard @FoxNews just cancelled @JudgeJeanine #BlockFoxNews
— LORI HENDRY STOP THE STEAL (@Lrihendry) November 8, 2020 check it out‼️
— Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) November 7, 2020
She won't bow to their new policy of fake news so she has to be silenced
There are a few I suspect are RINOS that don't favor Trump......Martha M., Bret B., Brit Hume, Chris Wallace (Demorat)....Several were heard mocking the President awhile back in another room! Also others, higher up in charge that are not for Trump. Let them try to take Tucker off the air.....ALL HELL will break loose!!!
That's a shame I loved her
Me too. That leaves Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity only. The rest are fake news puppets. I am VERY disappointed in cavuto. I thought he was solid but he turned
This election was stolen from President Trump and the Supreme Court mus
t call it unconstitutional or we will another country control by the government America is and will never be a socialist country We the People must fight for our Freedom since the FBI the COD and other law department are doing nothing
I so glad I'm not the only one feels the sameway about FoxNews. I wanted to let people know how to get intouch with President Trump. I think he could use some encouragement. Go to
The Constitution states that the President will be elected on election day. This was done because more time that goes by allow for corruption. I encourage everyone to call your Senators and Representatives.
I'm so done with fox. Wallace and Co ruined the channel. They let Trump down and joined the lying fake news. There are other great news sources that actually report the truth. Newsmax and OANN, for example.
well, I am not surprised. Fox News is just like the others wearing sheeps clothing. I watch OANN which is on most channels. Boycott Fox.
Who needs em. They are not much better now than CNN or NBC, or CBS. Done with em.... they are like Toilet Paper, just use em when u need em.
I am incredibly disappointed with FOX News. Paul Ryan has ruined FOX News and I am going to quit FOX News. I wish that Tucker Carlson and some of the other patriots would move over to OANN. If they did, FOX News would become just another MSNBC. FOX News, thanks for opening my eyes!