
A leaked email from the State Department confirms that the Biden administration refused to grant permission for private evacuation flights from Afghanistan to land in third countries, even though the administration was aware official authorization was needed for them to do so.

Additionally, Fox News reported that the State Department explicitly said private charter flights, even those carrying American citizens out of Afghanistan, would not be permitted to land at Department of Defense airbases.

These revelations appear to confirm what BlazeTV host Glenn Beck reported Tuesday, when he said on-air that the State Department refused to grant landing clearance to planes chartered by Mercury One and The Nazarene Fund, which prevented them from departing.

Fox News obtained the email from Eric Montalvo, who organized a series of private flights to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration. The email, sent Sept. 1, shows how the State Department set up bureaucratic roadblocks to private evacuation efforts. 

"No independent charters are allowed to land at [Al Udeid Air Base], the military airbase you mentioned in your communication with Samantha Power. In fact, no charters are allowed to land at an [sic] DoD base and most if not all countries in the Middle Eastern region, with the exception of perhaps Saudi Arabia will allow charters to land," a State Department official wrote.

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