France Must Lie in the Bed They Made

France Must Lie in the Bed They Made
PJ Media: While Marine Le Pen’s conservative National Rally performed unexpectedly well in the first round of voting, Sunday’s second-round results were a disappointment — dangerously so. While the pro-business bloc joined forces with French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition, it still came in second to the far-left New Popular Front. None of the coalitions that came together against Le Pen won big enough to form a government, but the New Popular Front will certainly be a part of it since French elites would rather die than partner with Le Pen’s National Rally. The Wall Street Journal described the NPF as “a diverse coalition whose most powerful faction is a polarizing, far-left party, France Unbowed.” Macron’s coalition wants to continue the same ‘business as usual” approach that led to Le Pen’s first-round upset. Neither opposes the ongoing Islamification of France (PJ Media). Washington Post: The alliance wants to lower the retirement age, which Macron raised last year, and vastly expand government spending on social welfare, environmental protection and health care (Washington Post).

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  • Hey, we could have what France has if we gave the left the power. 

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