Yup, he was salivating over the speakership....that in itself is a sign he isn't the guy for the job! He thought he had it in the bag, he needs to walk away, spend some time in the fetal position, then consider retiring from politics. If he had pride, a backbone, brains, he would walk, but his own agenda doesn't allow him to do the right 5th if.....he wants this position too bad. He will al2ays be known in history as the one that couldn't close the deal.....imagine that, he couldn't even get the people on the same side behind him!!!!!! Think about that!
Yup, he was salivating over the speakership....that in itself is a sign he isn't the guy for the job! He thought he had it in the bag, he needs to walk away, spend some time in the fetal position, then consider retiring from politics. If he had pride, a backbone, brains, he would walk, but his own agenda doesn't allow him to do the right 5th if.....he wants this position too bad. He will al2ays be known in history as the one that couldn't close the deal.....imagine that, he couldn't even get the people on the same side behind him!!!!!! Think about that!