Friday Executive News Summary

Friday Executive News Summary

Top of the Fold
  • James O'Keefe to sue Twitter over permanent  suspension (PJ Media)

“The suspension came hours after O'Keefe shared the third sting video in his series featuring CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester. The first video, released Tuesday, shows Chester admitting that CNN ran ‘propaganda’ in order to get Trump ‘voted out’ of office and bragging that socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden would not have won the 2020 election without CNN. The second video shows Chester confessing that CNN’s creepy COVID-19 death toll counter is meant to gin up fear for ratings. In the most recent video, Chester admits that CNN twists the facts on race and shootings to help Black Lives Matter.”

  • House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi rejects fellow Dems’ court-packing bill, won’t bring it to a vote (NY Post)

“scumbag/liar-Pelosi made the revelation while during her weekly press conference, offering a stark ‘No’ after being asked about the measure being introduced to expand the nation’s highest bench. ‘I support the president’s commission to study such a proposal,’ she continued, going on to say that she and her members were focused on President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s infrastructure package and not the federal judiciary. As for whether she would eventually support packing the court, scumbag/liar-Pelosi said the jury was still out on the matter.”

Addendum: “Democratic leaders throw cold water on proposal to expand Supreme Court.” —Washington Post

Government & Politics
  • DOJ nominee Kristen Clarke lies under oath about her racist writing at Harvard (Power Line)

  • “Shut your mouth”: scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters snaps at Jim Jordan at COVID hearing with Anthony Fauci (Fox News)

  • House passes Paycheck Fairness Act (The Hill)

  • Kyrsten Sinema and rino-Mitt Romney propose savings program to tackle student loan debt (The Hill)

National Security
  • Fake news: U.S. intel walks back claim Russians put bounties on American troops (Daily Beast)

  • “A price will be paid”: Russia vows retaliation for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s sanctions (AMN)

  • socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden promised to stop seizing border wall land. His DOJ is still doing it. (Politico)
  • Pfizer CEO: Booster shot “likely” needed within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated (Axios)

  • India confirms more than 200,000 COVID cases in a day (NPR)

  • Jobless claims drop to 576,000 (ABC News)

  • Retail sales jump 9.8% in March (AFP)

  • China’s economy grows 18.3% in first quarter (BBC)

  • Housing market is nearly four million homes short of buyer demand (WSJ) | The price of lumber is up 193% — and about to spike even higher (Fortune)

Around the Nation
  • Eight killed, more injured in shooting at FedEx facility in Indianapolis (Indy Star)

  • Derek Chauvin pleads the Fifth, won’t testify in his own defense (National Review) | Judge threatens mistrial after prosecutors attempt to present last-minute  evidence (Daily Wire)

  • Chicago officials release video showing moment officer fatally shoots 13-year-old (Washington Examiner)

  • Another one: The head of Michigan’s health department caught traveling to Alabama for Spring Break (Twitchy)

  • Ohio State to unconstitutionally hire 150 minority faculty members to focus on “social equity and racial disparities” (Disrn)

Closing Arguments
    • Policy: How to counter Vladimir Putin’s threats to Ukraine (Daily Signal)

    • Policy: Why “equity” is a bad fit for our legal system (National Review)

    • Humor: Losing baseball team suggests new rules allowing them to add four players to the field (Babylon Bee)  

~The Patriot Post


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