Friday Executive News Summary
What attacks, and by whom? Senate passes anti-Asian hate crimes bill (Axios)
House passes bill to make DC the 51st state generate more Democrat congressional seats (Daily Caller)
GOP senators unveil $568 billion infrastructure counteroffer (CBS News) | But naturally, spendthrift Democrats are unimpressed (Roll Call)
Good call: Tim Scott to deliver Republican rebuttal to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s congressional address (Axios)
GOP baseball shooting survivors rip “suicide by cop” whitewash, make appeal to FBI (Fox News)
Useless UN elects women’s rights abuser Iran to women’s rights commission (Free Beacon)
Chinese Communist Party tied to new hack attacks targeting U.S. government (Axios)
UK Parliament wisely declares China’s treatment of Uyghurs to be genocide (Axios)
Russia orders troops to withdraw from Ukraine border after buildup that alarmed West (NBC News)
Who incited this insurrection? BLM storms into Oklahoma Capitol (Daily Caller)
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer lied about interstate traveling (Fox News)
Discrimination: Minneapolis’s George Floyd Square gives particular instructions for whites (Examiner)
Preliminary data show no safety concerns for pregnant women receiving COVID vaccines (AAP News)
California’s public universities to require COVID-19 vaccinations for fall term (UPI)
Policy: Standing against Critical Race Theory (American Mind)
Policy: The Pentagon can’t afford to go green at warfighters’ expense (Daily Signal)
Humor: hanoi-John Kerry proposes tax on breathing to fight climate change (Genesius Times)