Friday Executive News Summary

Friday Executive News Summary

Government & Politics
  • House ousts Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees in unprecedented vote (Fox News)

  • Unity! Senate Dems pass budget resolution for partisan vote on COVID bill; lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris breaks tie (NPR)

  • Democrats to introduce a regressive and immoral resolution to “cancel” (read: burden taxpayers with) $50,000 in student loan debt (Disrn)

  • Trump will not testify in sham impeachment trial (Fox News)

  • Judge in Michael Flynn case takes senior status, giving socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden 11th judicial pick since inauguration (Examiner)

  • Fox News faces $2.7 billion lawsuit from Smartmatic over voting machine fraud claims (Bloomberg)

  • Well … bye: CNN President Jeff Zucker stepping down at year’s end (Post Millennial)

National Security
  • U.S. cuts off involvement in Yemen’s Houthi-instigated and Iran-backed civil war (Forbes)

  • socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden signs order to ramp up refugee admissions to 125,000 (CBS News)

  • Eleven Iranians arrested in Arizona after jumping U.S.-Mexico border (Washington Times)

  • Perfect storm forcing Border Patrol to release apprehended migrant families directly into the U.S. (Examiner)

  • Keeping National Guard in DC has cost an estimated $438 million (Fox News)

Business & Economy
  • With 49,000 increase, payrolls barely grow to start 2021 even as the unemployment rate fell to 6.3% (CNBC)

  • Gun sales continue to soar as Democrats take control (Disrn)

  • Bank of America allegedly collected data off consumers who might have been at DC riot (Examiner)

  • Another “climate-friendly” high-speed rail project from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur bites the dust (Watts Up With That?)

Odds & Ends
  • Johnson & Johnson requests emergency authorization for COVID vaccine (CNBC)

  • Mike Pence to join Heritage Foundation, write column for Daily Signal (Daily Signal)

  • Canadian Olympic Committee warns athletes not to criticize China ahead of 2022 winter games in Beijing (Free Beacon)

The committee should have boycotted instead.

On a Lighter Note…
  • Hilarious snaps reveal the very awkward places people have taken a nap (Daily Mail)
Closing Arguments
    • Policy: The rino-Romney child allowance proposal is a move in the wrong direction (AEI)

    • Policy: socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s empty environmentalism: Shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline shows the new president’s preference for symbolism over substance (City Journal)

    • Humor: Snopes rates commie/liar-AOC’s account of capitol attack as “factually inaccurate but morally true” (Babylon Bee)  

~The Patriot Post


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