Since the hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, 2024 people who are greatly deceived have been parading in American cities, waving satan's flag and shouting, "from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free".  What those poor deceived people don't seem to understand is that Almighty God gave the land that is now Israel, and much more territory to the Jewish people as a homeland in a covenant He made with Abraham, the father of the Jewish people of today.  That covenant, while violated by evil people, will be restored in its fullness one day.

 Palestine is not a nation nor a "homeland" for Arab people, it is a fictional land created  by mankind that is inhabited by the Jews and Arab people who either fled moslem tyranny or were forced out by tyrants who ruled surrounding countries in days past.  The "palestinian" people are Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, and people of other Arab nations who could not remain in the nations of their birth due to various circumstances related to political or religious differences that caused them to leave and settle in an area not ruled by any nation at the time.  As it turns out, these Arabs went to the land  belonging to the Jewish people.  The Jews accepted them with compassion and kindness, only to be treated as Jews have been for centuries by people who hate them for ridiculous reasons.

The Arab nations have long demanded a 2 state solution to the contention, a solution Israel granted them when they pulled all of the Jews out of the West Bank area of the Jordan River and the Gaza strip, giving Arabs total control of the areas.  The Israeli government even sent in bulldozers to destroy homes of Jewish settlers to appease the demands of Arabs.  What have the Jews received in reward?  They have received the same response every appeaser receives, the scorn, derision, and contempt of those they appeased.  I don't know why people cannot learn from history that appeasement NEVER works, all it does is make the situation worse in the long run. 

Neville Chamberlain tried to appease Adolph Hitler and plunged the world into World War II as a result because tyrants bent on world domination see appeasement as weakness to be exploited.  After World War II the American government tried to appease Joseph Stalin and it led to the Cold War with thousands of people trapped in communism to be murdered while trying to escape or starved to death by Stalin and his cohorts.  Richard Nixon tried to appease Ho Chi Mihn to stop the war in Vietnam by abandoning the South Vietnamese and it resulted in the mass murder of thousands of people under the communist regime of a united Vietnam.  Only under the strength and resolve shown by President Ronald Reagan did the Berlin Wall and the "iron curtain" come down.  Barak obama and joe biden have shown appeasement to Iran and as a result have made the world a much more dangerous place.  President Donald Trump showed strength and resolve, putting the Iranian mullahs back on their heels and bringing about peace in the world that has been in short supply in the last 40 years.  In comes joe biden on the heels of massive vote fraud and we see wars breaking out all over the world, bringing us to the cusp of World War III.  Barak obama showed weakness to Vladimir Putin and he invaded Crimea, killing thousands of innocent civilians.  President Trump was elected in 2016 and the strength and resolve he showed brought peace for 4 years.  Then comes another globalist appeaser, joe biden, and we see Ukraine viciously attacked by Putin and Israel viciously attacked by hamas terrorists who targeted civilians like the cowards they are.  Now the terrorists hide behind civilians and the world criticizes Israel for civilian deaths despite the I?DF's attempts to minimize civilian casualties.  Egypt closed off access to their land to Gaza and other Arab countries refuse to allow the "palestinians" to enter their countries.  The entire world demands that Israel show restraint and compassion but none of those shouting against Israel have been willing to lift a finger to help those trapped in Gaza while hamas uses hospitals, schools, and civilian neighborhoods to launch their rockets into Israel. 

Israel has done everything possible to placate demands but those who seek Israel's destruction, including the devildemocommiecrat party controlled American government. What the devildemocommiecrat party and the gop establishment have done to Israel is inexcusable and Almighty God will not let their actions go unpunished.  The land given to Abraham for a Jewish homeland thousands of years ago will be restored to the Jewish people at some point.  People who stand with Israel will be rewarded while those who oppose Israel will be punished.  God told Abraham, "I will bless those who bless Israel and I will curse those who curse Israel".  There are people who do not heed those words, people who hate or reject Almighty God and they will feel His wrath, either in this life or in eternity.  Devildemocommiecrats hate Israel and I pray daily that God will punish them individually rather than punish the entirety of America, asking that He will spare those of us behind Israel from His wrath.

 Sometimes in the Bible God punished only those directly guilty of disobeying Him and sometimes all of the Jewish people suffered His wrath.  I don't begin to claim to understand how He decides who to punish and who to spare but I pray for His mercy on the innocents in this situation.  I also ask Him to have mercy on those of us who oppose the political correctness that imposes immorality on the nation, such as the celebration of abortion, homosexuality, and the "gender fluid" nonsense now engulfing an evil and degenerate segment of the American population.  These perversions are not nearly as prominent as the devildemocommiecrat party, the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, and hollywierd would have people believe.  Their lies have deceived many people and some who either fear the wrath of the evil ones or think they can curry favor by bowing to the satanic agenda of the left have bowed to their agenda/narrative.

One thing I know for sure is that appeasing evil never works for the good of people anywhere.  Evil has no limitations when it is given what it wants, that is a fact that has been proven for centuries and is still being proven today.  Look at the American Revolution that happened almost 300 years ago.  The American colonies tried to "go along to get along" with a tyrannical British king but all appeasement brought was more tyranny until war was the only option left to total slavery.  In the 1850s the opposition to slavery in America led to the Civil War because peaceful solutions to the evil of slavery were rejected by those who refused to let slaves be free to enjoy the American Dream.  After the war ended democrats created the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, and segregation to continue as much of their tyranny as they could keep.  Eventually even the Jim Crow and segregation tactics were defeated and the Ku Klux Klan, while still around, has become a mere shadow of what it once was because Christian people united to defeat hatred and prejudice for the most part.  Hatred and prejudice will be with mankind until Jesus returns to set up His millennial kingdom but we can still fight it today.  Part of that fight is to stand firmly behind the right of Israel to exist as a free nation and to protect Jews everywhere from the hatred they face because of who they are.  The devildemocommiecrats, including some of whom themselves are Jewish, will find themselves in a bad place come Judgment Day because God is not very likely to accept their excuses for the way they treated Israel.

I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

April 2, 2024                     

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