“This virus has a cure.”
— ]intheMatrixxx[ (@intheMatrixxx) July 28, 2020
Think logically. Who doesn’t want to cure you? Who get rich on keeping you sick? pic.twitter.com/8zvsRSqB3G
"If it seems like there is an orchestrated attack that's going on against HCQ, it's because there is."
— TheSharpEdge (@TheSharpEdge1) July 28, 2020
"When have you ever heard of a medication generating this degree of controversy?" pic.twitter.com/xIEigMII4M
Dr @JamesTodaroMD drops an absolute truth bomb at the #WhiteCoatSummit.
— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) July 27, 2020
He explains that there is an orchestrated attack against hydroxychloroquine in the media, and there is a large financial incentive for large pharmaceutical companies to discredit the drug. pic.twitter.com/UJsK943yuU
She has another video asking all politicians for a sample of their urine to make sure they aren't all taking HCQ already.
— MaQaveli (@MQaveli) July 28, 2020
Research: Read and you decide.
Budesonide - Inhaler
hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat COVID-19
We all know that HCQ works. President Trump is taking it for a long time. He has been fine even without wearing a mask. Why is it not given to the general public?
If HCQ were given to the general public there would be no shutdown... no economic collapse, no call for mail-in ballots and a rigged election The Deep State would be out of business by now and the swamp put on the run...
So, the Marxist Democrats create another crisis... one where millions, worldwide, are murdered to attack Pres. Trump's bid for reelection... God is the ultimate judge and those responsible for this pandemic, that isn't, are committing genocide and crimes against humanity. They are killing the weak and old among us... Culling out the non-productive and enforcing population control, via a pandemic with a cure... Read scripture... evil men will wax worse, deceiving and being deceived, plagues and pestilence, wars and rumors of wars shall abound in the last days... all of which are working in the world today.
Some of them are ignorant and rely on their assistants to tell them what to think, those are the ones who do nothing except seek money from donors.
Another few fear the big corporations and do as they are told.
The few that are left have a few in that group that know and don't complain because of their donors such as "Big" pharma.
Overall, we get screwed.
Murder... mass murder and or manslaughter should be prosecuted if any... any of this proves true. If Congress and select individuals are taking HCQ as a prophylactic to prevent COVID infection... and are engaged in a conspiracy to conceal it as a viable therapeutic and prophylactic they all need to be jailed...for a long, long time.
They want fear and YES they would hide the facts.
Truly an evil on the scale of Nazi Germany and the Marxist purges and gulags...