
  • The government will destroy all the evidence just remember they are a corrupt organization 

  • After viewing this video I will not be surprised to see all the ballots (the key evidence of fraud) destroyed... The presenter in this video knows he must get a Valid COURT ORDER to preserve the ballots before they are destroyed... Motions do not stop actions.  Orders on dismissed cases are not valid and will not stop the destruction of evidence.  Where is Pres. Trump and his team of lawyers... or his monetary support?  Where are the RNC and the Ga Gop State Legislature?

  • The state is in coverup shit.  All these cases are being stonewalled, and delayed until the ballots can be destroyed.... and the evidence of criminal conduct with them. This is a disgrace of the highest order and the RNC and GOP are in on it... all the way and it isn't limited to Georgia. The People will need to act directly.... we need a Robes Pierre and a US Bastille Day. 

  • Note, the audio on the video to support his post is very bad... Very hard to understand, and constantly interrupted by a left-wing operative in the audience.... and I doubt that is by accident.... as the video clearly shows the election was stolen by election fraud.  Ga. was not only stolen by the Democrats. The theft was aided by the Georgia GOP and apparently th RNC.... lots of people need to be jailed.

  • Those ballots in question need to be secured by a separate party... they must not be left in the hands of the criminals who used them ... and the court understands this.  Look for the county to say it was sorry but the ballots were accidentally destroyed... this ass should understand this and the GA. courts put on notice that the public will not tolerate any further BS ... regarding this case and the ballots must protected...many of the ballots in question have ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED.  Wake up... the rest will suddenly disappear by magic.

  • None of this process should have been necessary ... the Republican Secretary of State, Governor, and legislature could have immediately corrected this problem... this tells us not only are the courts CORRUPT it is the entire government.  The GOP was in on the fraud... many people need to end up in jail for a long, long time...  GOP members may be the most culpable as they held the primary seats of governmetn power responsible to stop the theft of the election... election fraud.

  • Please PRAY for our JUDEO-CHRISTIAN NATION USA!! "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING." ( 1 Thesslonians 5"17 KJV )!!


    Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC \o/


    Kristi Ann

    • Shabbat Shalom🙏🙏

  • Yep, and We the People ALWAYS have standing in any appeal to our elected or appointed officials for a redress of greivances. That is the very essence of self-governance in our constitutional republic. What our elected/appointed officials do on our behalf is very much our business, and the only constitutional function of the judiciary is to decide whether or not their actions comport with the original intent and the basic principles enshrined in our Constitution. It should not surprise anyone that those who seek power and control also seek to compromise both our electoral and judicial processes.

  • The Courts have abused the "No Standing" excuse ever since they invented it. Just to get out of doing their job. There seems always to be a way to twist the facts to show the case has "No Standing". Justice is the least pro active branch of our Government. The evidence of that has devastated our election process and our Country.

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