
  • But nothing "funny" happened!

  • Why would you "lawyer up" if you have nothing to hide? ย I'd say she's getting ready to make a deal to avoid prosecution ........ and the first domino falls .......

    • We can only hope! ย ย 

  • Put her in jail and keep her locked up, based on her need for protective custody... she doesn't want to end up dead.

    • Yep ... the pressure of being in jail might convince her to talk to cover her ass.

    • Being locked up didn't protect the pedophile did it?????ย  All that will do is make her an easier target.ย  Her only hope is to hide out with patriots.ย 

    • Patriots don't want anything to do with her or her daughter, unless she is willing to spill the beans.

  • Agreed! ย  Clearly this person knows what she did... and in order to avoid prosecution or serious jail time, may be ripe for a full confession and testimony.


  • Put these idiots in jail for a few years and see how many others would attempt thisfraud

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