Georgia Government Agency Trafficking Children. Exposed As Essentially Selling Children Making Over $100 Million In 1 Year 🚨

“DFCS is the largest human trafficker in the state of Georgia. Hundreds of children literally disappear. That's right, disappear each year while in the care of DFCS. That was just one finding of the investigation conducted by U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff”

“Also found that children were being warehoused in hotels, often without proper supervision, and that children had even been placed in restraints. Here with us this morning, as it turns out, is one of the child victims.”

“Despite a statutory mandate to reunite children with their families, the DFCS has also become a discount adoption agency, perhaps the largest adoption agency in Georgia. The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 and other budgetary incentives and bureaucratic works effectively place a bounty on the heads of children in Georgia suitable for adoption.”

“Adoption is openly used by DFCS as a recruit to find foster families. This creates a perverse system in which foster parents actively work with defects against reunification of children with their biological parents.”

“Parents know that few children taken in Georgia from their parents in Camden County never return home. In 2022, only one child in 10 taken from their parents was returned home. How big is the adoption bounty for? It was over $100 million last year.

In other words, the more adoption D-FACS facilitates, the more money their agency receives from the federal government.

Taking children from parents is good business. Reunification does not pay.

Nor do remedial measures that fall short of removing children from their parents' pay.

Follow the money.”

“Nobody even tracks the number of parents that commit suicide every year due to DFCS tyranny. Families are worn down, beaten into submission.”

I transcribed just a small portion of this. Everyone in America needs to watch this whole video, this is INSANE. How many other counties is this happening in America?

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  • These kind of things have been happening a long time all around the world. Corrupt govt and politicians will do anything for money. I wrote about how democrats and otherss are assisting traffickerss at the border.

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