
  • We need the general to lead us in this rebellion. Give us marching orders. Give us a plan to fight back.

  • Use anything to stay in office, PLEASE

    • You see, our great President did win the election by honest votes, and we continue to support him and pray for him. Vice  President Pence will get to decide the election after Jan 5, and he will decide for President Trump!  JUST PRAY!

    • Be careful for what you wish for. You may get it. By any means is the plea of help, the Weimar Republic germans made to the political parties, the National Socialist Workers Party being one. The President has drastic, yet Constitutional means described and by precedent to intercede. But if he too practices authoritarian dictatorship beyond need, he becomes as bad as Democrat Socialists.

      Then he has to be dealt with.


  • President Trump is not getting bad advise. He is getting hung out to dry by Rinos plain and simply.Time for us to beable to be an offical Conservative Party. Because the Rinos will 25 th Our President before doing the right thing.

    • The advice the President is getting from the AG and Dir. of the FBI has been horrible...  completely inadequate to effectively deal with government corruption.  The threats of using the 25th Amendment can be easily avoided... either fire all those who would sign the petition to remove the President or arrest them for sedition and treason simultaneously with Declaring Martial Law.  And if Congress moves to impeach do as Lincoln did... issue Presidential Arrest Warrants for as many as necessary to let Congress know that political differences and policies are not impeachable they are sedition or treason.  Presidents must be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, not politics or policy. 

    • I would love to see Gen McInerny and Gen Flynn named to oversee and CLEAN OUT!   the FBI and the CIA, and Rudy Guilani be the new AG, and he can CLEAN OUT the DOJ!

      Then we'll be on the road to an honest and respectable government again!

  • I agree, it is about time to stop the "deep State" communists takeover of the USA...  they control the teachers unions, the Hollywood labor unions, and many government employee labor unions.

  • I agree with the good General, I've been screeming INSURECTION for at least 3 years now!! DO it Mr. President!!

  • You aren`t scaring me I am ready to kick some democratic socialist backside. This was signed into policy that this is a death sentence.

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