Researchers have uncovered a plot by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his right hand man Gabriel Sterling to rig the 2024 election. They are partnering with a leftist organization called "Power the Polls" to hire leftists activists to be poll workers

This same group recruited over 700,000 poll workers for the 2020 election and claim to be nonpartisan when it comes to recruitment and say their 14-member advisory board is bipartisan but of course that's the biggest lie ever. The board is made up of every major Trump hater in the country, it has MSDNC puppets, globalists, etc

Not only is this organization funded exclusively by leftist billionaires and other organizations, the one and only George Soros has sent blank checks their way.

According to the War Room's Natalie Winters, "the group is part of Work Elections, which is a project of the Fair Election Network. In turn, the Fair Election Network is backed by the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supports President Joe Biden and counts Soros among its donors."

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