I stopped watching Sean Hannity following the 2020 election - entirely because of this temper tantrum self promoting clown. He is an expert of nothing and and opinion of everything.
Hannity and Fox should be much more professional and fire his sorry ass. Or they can lose good conservative professional peoplle like me....
This is totally on Hannity now its happened way too many times.
Geraldo, needs to go. He is a critical unofficial, idoit. He is a progressive Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris follower. Fox needs to dump him. What does he actually bring to the news???
What is most astonishing is the fact that Geraldo Rivera is paid for expressing his jaw-dropping stupid opinions on anything. Facts don't matter to people like him. Anything that doesn't fit his racially programmed mind is simply discarded.
I learned this fact, yes FACT, a long time ago as a kid. It is this. 'A good ass-whipping goes a long way in adjusting a bad attitude.' And it works no matter how old the recipient is. Geraldo embraces self importance as if it is an important value. Thinking himself wise he acts as a fool. Just as his heros Biden and Obama do.
When one doesn't have the facts they are only left with attempting to dominate the discussion... by directing the debate away from the facts, shifting the argument to personalities rather than facts. More Crime by Blacks results in more police contacts... which translates into more opportunities for shootings to occur. The fact that the MSM supports bashing police and denigrating them the Black criminal elements find it ok to resist arrest and to act as if they are a victim rather than a criminal or suspected criminal...
Geraldo has the facts, he chooses to IGNORE them because his mind is made up and facts that are contrary to his socialist, anti-semitic ideology will be ignored.
Capitalist Mitchell > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredMay 21, 2021 at 3:12am
The Devil is doing his job bringing people down to the low level that I have never expected.
I stopped watching Sean Hannity following the 2020 election - entirely because of this temper tantrum self promoting clown. He is an expert of nothing and and opinion of everything.
Hannity and Fox should be much more professional and fire his sorry ass. Or they can lose good conservative professional peoplle like me....
This is totally on Hannity now its happened way too many times.
Liberal IDIOT
Geraldo, needs to go. He is a critical unofficial, idoit. He is a progressive Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris follower. Fox needs to dump him. What does he actually bring to the news???
he needs to go !!!
What is most astonishing is the fact that Geraldo Rivera is paid for expressing his jaw-dropping stupid opinions on anything. Facts don't matter to people like him. Anything that doesn't fit his racially programmed mind is simply discarded.
I learned this fact, yes FACT, a long time ago as a kid. It is this. 'A good ass-whipping goes a long way in adjusting a bad attitude.' And it works no matter how old the recipient is. Geraldo embraces self importance as if it is an important value. Thinking himself wise he acts as a fool. Just as his heros Biden and Obama do.
Well said, Dale... Geraldo Rivera is not a journalist he is a propagandist for Marxist ideology.
When one doesn't have the facts they are only left with attempting to dominate the discussion... by directing the debate away from the facts, shifting the argument to personalities rather than facts. More Crime by Blacks results in more police contacts... which translates into more opportunities for shootings to occur. The fact that the MSM supports bashing police and denigrating them the Black criminal elements find it ok to resist arrest and to act as if they are a victim rather than a criminal or suspected criminal...
Geraldo has the facts, he chooses to IGNORE them because his mind is made up and facts that are contrary to his socialist, anti-semitic ideology will be ignored.