
  • This is what happens when one's moral compass is thrown out the window and PROFIT becomes the driving motive behind HEALTH CARE... if you can call our system health care.  This pandemic helped to expose the serious commercialization of 'health care in America.  Our institutions of health ... private and government... have all been adversely impacted by a seed change in their mission... from providing care to maximizing 'PROFIT'.

    The moral foundations of all our institutions public and private have been corrupted and society is now awakening to the consequences of a godless society.  A social order where our children have been taught that the historic Western Christian/Judeo Moral Code is disparaged and rejected... in exchange for the deviant and historically problematic and failed philosophies of the humanist, atheists, and Marxists. The cure for this ailment is Christ... Jesus Christ is the only one who can turn the world around and put it back on course with God's plan for mankind.  All other promises by mankind are the fruit of false hope and corrupt men and women. 

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