
  • Yeah, get away... have community with each other... sounds like a one way ticket to Nigeria would be the order for the day.

  • She is one disgusting racist broad. May I help you pack your bags to leave?

  • Cartoonist Scott Adam's, [Dilbert], was just dropped from syndication for saying the same thing about a month ago. 

  • It now comes full circle... APARTHEID by Black America. 

    This insanity is the result of catering to special interests, misplaced sympathy, and emotional judgment...  It ignores the historic social norms for training our youth to exercise proven systems for social justice and moral conduct.  The Judeo/Christian ethic being one such model is based on the simple ethic of:  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ...  Treating others as one would want to be treated in social discourse recognizes the rights of all individuals, it encourages integration and the exercise of standards of conduct that bring communities together... not separatism... as defined by laws catering to protected groups... that sort of justice is based on apartheid principals and ethics... it is the substance of institutional bigotry and racism.

    The creation of victims and calls for reparations to achieve social justice should never be applied to entire racial, ethnic, or cultural groups.  Two wrongs never add up to a right... social justice.  True social justice starts with situational understanding and reconciliation, not guilt.  It extends a hand to those who oppose themselves and others... it doesn't start with battering one group or another over the head with long-past social justice issues and reparations for those who were not involved.

    Civil rights legislation is a RED HERRING... The US Constitution in its original form contained the fundamental law and government needed to administer social justice without creating PROTECTED CLASSES...  Law created for protected classes is in fact institutional racism... and the essence of systemic bigotry.

    The current use of CRT and many of the social justice government programs are not meant to heal past abuses nor were they promulgated to assist alleged victims of systemic social bigotry... They are there to DIVIDE society, while an elite group of socialists and communists steal our liberty and the wealth of the nation. 

  • What is a "people of color"?  Isn't "white" a color?  I am not white I am beige and I know white and beige are still colors because you can find both in a box of crayons!!!!!!!!!!  "People of color" is just another phony term to divide people so we can be more easily conquered!!!!!!!!!!

    • The ambiguous phrase "People of color' is used to identify 'Protected Racial Classes' in society... The phrase is by definition a form of RACIAL APARTHEID, as it seeks to separate humanity into groups by color/race.

    • People of color hate being black, so they do everything possible to draw attention to a skin color they hate.  Go figure.  I am so sick of racists be they white, black or purple.  It is very difficult to not despise blacks who perpetuate racism abetted by racist liberals.

  • That author is the most racist puke on the planet with a comment about getting away from white people.  Frankly, I wish all black racists would get really far away from me.  Like back to Africa far.  Get the hell out of my country you racist bitch.

    • Racism is systemic among liberals of all colors!!!!!Conservatives don't categorize people by skin color though we are very often falsely accused of doing so!!!!! 


    • Amen. Has to be a way we can let her know how we feel about her.


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