The GOP is mistaken if they believe the Democrat Party CARE... what others think about their leaders, record, or governing policy, they DON'T.  The Marxists care about Government power and ELIMINATING the conservative counter-revolutionary movement in America.  They are identifying and isolating the counter-revolution, its members, and leadership... the Patriot is being marked for purging.

Only a fool thinks the Democrats are committing suicide... a fool believes VOTING under the current system will result in good government.  Wake up, our compromised electoral system put us where we are today.  It will not solve our problems... Elections are managed not won. 

Get off the Election Merry-Go-Round... Stop going round and round.  Quit getting off at the same stop every election year...  more government and less individual freedom. How's that working?  We must rethink our methods for political reform. 

Take a page from Lech Walesa and the Polish Solidarity movement... the strength of the people lies in their labor... their economic production. We must consider the use of massive strikes, and passive-aggressive resistance to peacefully persuade the Government to adopt the necessary changes to reform our government. The return to Constitutional Government will not occur at the ballot boxes of a Marxist regime. 

Petition the government for an Article 5 convention... to propose a 'Recall and Term Limits Amendment'.  Recall the entire sitting government subject to new elections and appointments.  Establish term limits for all government positions... elected and appointed.  One term 6 years, with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2 years, similar to the method used to rotate the US Senate...  Use selective labor strikes and passive-aggressive peaceful resistance (boycotts, labor, and tax strikes, denial of service ops, sit-ins, etc)... to persuade the government to call an Article 5 Convention.

Petition the government to 'Repeal' the 17th and 14th Amendments... return the choosing of US Senators to the states as originally intended. repeal the 14th Amendment and replace it with a statutory and constitutional definition for who qualifies as a US Citizen... naturalized (by law), Native (born in the US) with at least one US Citizen parent, and Natural Born the child of two us citizens born on US soil... under the full jurisdiction of the US.

Prepare to remain on strike and engaged in passive-aggressive peaceful protests until the government acts on the People's petitions for Constitutional reform.   When we have a new government with citizen politicians, elected and appointed officials, who serve one term and return to their homes... America will have Constitutional Government once more. 

Until then we will have a merry-go-round government... of political clowns and oppressive government demagogues.

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  • I have posted on this site many times, but this is by far the most significant post I have ever made!
    This will change your life (if you read it)!  It is based entirely on Bible scripture and prophesy and is extremely well researched and presented.  Our country and the world seem to be screwed up beyond belief.  It appears that, "RIGHT IS WRONG AND WRONG IS RIGHT", and our entire country has gone mad!   This book explains in detail what is happening at this time in history and what will happen to the United States and Great Britain at "the time of the end", which appears to me to be relatively near!   If you want to know what is actually going on in the world, I urge you with all my heart to read this book!  I suggest that you first read Chapter 1, 4, and 5.  After that you can read 2 and 3 to get the history.

    “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10)…
  • The SOLUTION is to be found in the People's power to withhold their labor... STRIKE. Massive national strikes, coordinated with a demand for Term Limits and a Recall Amendment.  Recall the entire elected and appointed government subject to new elections and appointments.

    Remain on Strike ... all except essential workers (public safety, health, utilities) until the amendment and new elections have occurred. Shut down the government AND the economy and the sitting government will either resign or watch the nation collapse... and a political uprising that they don't want to be caught up in.

    Establish Term Limits ... one term, 6 years, with one-third standing for election every 2 years... prohibit any former member of the government (elected or appointed) from holding any office ever again.  Hold new elections with candidates that have never held any office in government... elected or appointed... true citizen REPRESENTATIVES.

    The current election merry-go-round is not working... it is going now where in a hurry.

    • That's IT.  We should have done it two years ago.

  • NOT Complaining,...JUST EXPLAINING...


    The present EXECUTIVE, the Leftist-Communist-DEMOCRATS of the Biden Administration, aided by... The Leftist Senate, and very BIAS-Public MEDIA, are JOINED at the hip, to MAKE AMERICA another THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.

    This 79 year old, RETIRED-Military Servant, whom like many others, since June 14, 1775, SEE THE ONLY SOLUTION to Our present Government DIS ALLUSION, is a 2ND REVOLUTION, "TO REMOVE ALL the GARBAGE in the PRESENT GOVERNMENT OFFICES, "BEFORE AMERICA IS NO MORE!!!"

    There... "I cited a truth," that will likely lead to me being SHOT by a Cop, etc... . "AS I WOULD RATHER DIE' than be a SLAVE, to the Democrat LEAD, Communist-SOCIALISM!!!


  • Great plan if we will do it.

    • Thanks for the vote of confidence...  However, like many workable plans some how the GOP manages to overlook them... could it be their motives are not reform driven ... that they prefer the status quo?


  • COL, I AGREE 100%!

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