Get Ready for a Fight


On the eve of the 2020 election, this week’s The American Mind Feature is about how to stop “the coup.” No matter what series of unfortunate events is triggered by the initial results of the election this week, these essays will be worth reading and considering carefully for the foreseeable future.

Just as the fantasy that President Trump “stole” the 2016 election by colluding with Russia was manufactured even before he took office, the Left used the ramp up to November 3rd, 2020 to publish countless articles about how President Donald Trump was going to “steal” the election. Further, the narrative breathlessly informed us, President Trump might unlawfully refuse to leave office—and the military might need to remove him.

What’s happening here is obvious: the Democrats used the Wuhan virus as an excuse to change voting rules by means of hundreds of lawsuits before the election. They are set to spring hundreds more lawsuits after the election. They muddied the waters such that it would not be clear who won on election night. As Kimberly Strassel said this weekend in the Wall Street Journal, in case of anything outside of a landslide victory for Joe Biden, the fallback safety position for the Democrat party is “May the best lawyer win.” And if in the contested aftermath of a close election Trump refuses to quickly concede and let them win, they will sow confusion and chaos, putting thousands of protestors in the streets across America claiming he is unlawfully refusing to leave office.

The Left’s claims about how Trump was going to “steal” the election read as a kind of projection of what the Left was willing to do to win, as revealed by the activities of the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). The project consisted of a war game involving Democrat heavyweights, extensive deliberation and planning on the part of countless activist groups, and an instructive final report that serves as a game plan for the Democrat Party. It made clear that heady talk of secession may become increasingly mainstream.

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  • The Early vote is by mail... by mail, voting is easy to rig ... no check on who actually fills out the ballot none... Signature comparison on the enelop[e is a joke.  First, it would take months to do a proper check on the signatures on envelopes to verify the signature is that of the actual voter.  Next, no handwriting experts are reviewing the signatures on envelopes. Therefore,  they can not be LEGALLY VERIFIED by pole workers as they are not qualified to determine who signed the envelope.  Pennsylvania is holding back on the mail-in vote to determine how many votes they need to MANUFACTURE to defeat Trup.. the President needs to seize all the outstanding ballots in PA to ensure that more are not added to the outstanding ballots.

    • Ron, they don't want to verify anything, it is a cheat to win scheme!!!!!

  • Very true, if they can't win by fraud and cheat they plan to win by violence.

  • No army ever won a war fighting from a defensive position.

    If we are forced to fight, then we must end it...once and for all.

  • TRump is stll the commander and cief of the armed forces and the natonal guard. If the terrorists get too hot Trump can and will use the guard to go after them. In the mean time, if thiongs get nasty in your city or town, arm your selves and defend youir homes and businesses. Lead makes a big difference.

    • Try getting a gun license in masachusetts. Communists don't think you should be a willing victim of a crime. Second amendment is ONLY FOR THE CRIMINALS HERE!!!!


  • Pres. Trump must find the strength to preserve Law and Order... in the face of the Democrat Party's threat to engage in open insurrection and riot.  Plans for Martial Law and the protection of key infrastructure should be in place already. The President needs to mobilize the Military and sufficient National Guard Units together with federalizing selected local police to secure our electric grid, transportation, and communication hubs, from terrorist attacks.  The troops needed to be in place YESTERDAY .... and certainly by NOW!.  

    The potential for massive insurrection is real...  the current crisis should never have been allowed to develop. The President is responsible for securing our ballots and ballot boxes from being compromised by fraud.  He is charged with guaranteeing a REPUBLICAN Form of government, and that starts by ensuring properly supervised and secure elections take place.  Failure to address the building crisis and civil unrest has resulted in the Nation becoming a hotbed for insurrection. The  Democrat Party's leadership and declared plan to win the election by any means necessary... has resulted in the open rigging of the election. 

    Evidence of massive election tampering and voter fraud is appearing in key battlegrounds... The president needs to address the nation citing a litany of voter fraud taking place in the USA.  The President needs to inform the nation of his plan to address massive civil unrest during and after the election; citing a long list of confirmed cases of election and voter fraud, and the bribing of election judges, etc.  He needs to declare martial law, promising to work with the States, to secure our ballots while properly certifying the ballot totals and election results.  If it is impossible to certify the election; then, the President and Congress must take the appropriate action to schedule NEW ELECTIONS.

    The House of Representatives must not be permitted to determine the next President, as they have been totally corrupted.  This crisis should have been head off long ago. We are now reaping the results of indecisive action by key leaders within our government, State and Federal.

    • The House of Representatives must not be permitted to determine the next President, as they have been totally corrupted.  This crisis should have been head off long ago. We are now reaping the results of indecisive action by key leaders within our government, State and Federal.

      You left out the stupid actions taken by voters all over the USA.

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