En route to Philadelphia with legal team.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 4, 2020
Massive cheating.@realDonaldTrump up by 550,000 with 75% counted.
Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!
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You KNOW the DEMS are cheating when they cover up the windows around the "counting enclosure" so Repubs CANNOT SEE what nefarious acts are going on.
As STALIN said, "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."
DEMS CANNOT WIN WITHOUT CHEATING. Did you notice how LITTLE Joe Biden was willing to discuss "policy"??? He KNOWS the American voters ain't buyin' what he's sellin'.
I think that the Clintons are still at it. I do recall watching Hitler-ys mouth move and this came out of it. If I go down we all go down. This piece of work should be facing a death sentence for treason.
I am hoping God is backing Giuliani as much as I am.
God is always on the side of the righteous. Have faith!
Rudy's hot. I'm an ex NYC guy. Rudy cleaned up NYC big time as Mayor.
Good, corruption abounds in the election process. We the Patriots are being disenfranchised by corrupt satanic scum!!!!!
Trump knows how to work the court and he appointed three SCOTUS judges who know how to look at the original law, same as Trump does. He will win in the courts if he doesn't want win at the ballot box.
Massive cheating in Philly among other county's. What a joke. They were keeping the poll monitors out yesterday in Philly.