Giuliani: It's a sin to Politicize the 9/11 Ceremony

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  • I think it is a disgrace to the memory of those who were murdered on 9-11-01 to witness the types of people we have as leaders so-called in merely two decades of time past.  Not only a disgrace to their memory, but also to all of America, and to all Americans, even those who refuse to admit themselves the moral rot displayed by many of the chief speakers chosen to honor their memory and pretend as if they truly cared.

    General Milley is one sick individual.  And Biden is as far gone in his head as one can be.  His twisted and absurd comments are a mockery of truth and justice. There is no shame in these people, and they shame America for the entire globe to see. They feign sorrow just as they hate to admit truth. And this memorial is but a pretend presentation when they are speaking, to make you think that they are what they have proven not to be.

    Then 'end' of Afghanistan is a repugnant reminder of what the Biden degenerates are all about.  And it is NOT about honoring those who died on 9-11.

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