
  • It's kind of obvious they're installing a Totalitarian state on us,"C'mon Man"!!! The whole of D.C. is a stinking cesspool. Has been for some time now!

  • Now we know why Pres. Trump has been unable to call a Republican's Governor's Convention to deal with the stolen election and massive corruption in government...  Both political parties appear to be responsible for Betraying America and its People... they appear to be working in alliance with Marxists to create a New World Socialist Order.  What we do about it is problematic ... we don't seem to have the leadership willing to confront and expose the alliance or to FUND and properly organize a counter-revolution to restrain the alliance.

    All we can do is pray that the leadership and necessary funding and resourcing for an effective counter-revolution materialize quickly... NLT 6 months... before we the New World Order oligarchy now controlling our government firm establishes a hold on our government institutions ... sufficient to make it impossible to peacefully reinstate our Constitutional Republic.


  • When are we going to overturn this fraudulent election? Congress should have returned questionable results back to the states for an audit. Most Congressmen and Senators were MIA. We need to get rid of those RINOs before the next election.

  • I hope their constituants are as mad as we are and kick their butts out. 

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