Our Politicians and a Wealthy Plutocracy... the DEEP STATE... is deliberately setting up the Middle Class and Poor for the greatest wealth transfer in the History of the world... Indeed, Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschilds".  maxim for control of governments is about to prove itself.  “Give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes its laws.” Quote Amschel Rothschild

One author put it this way:

 "The Federal Reserve and other central banks exercise considerable control over our economies via interest rates, debt creation, QE and more. They create massive profits for the financial industry that in turn purchases many politicians and Presidents.

Now expand the concept into other areas and see if the results ring true.

  • Give me control of a nation’s financial systems and I shall own the politicians who make the laws.

Print currencies and buy politicians. Same idea – it is easy!

  • Give me control of the FBI investigators and I can avoid prosecution and indictments.

(Hmmmm. There was something in the news about this recently…)

  • Give me control of the voting machines and I care not who the voters in the popular election actually wanted.

In Philadelphia in 2012, 59 districts cast 100.0% of their votes for Obama and the voting machines show that not one person cast their vote for Romney. Strange. Amazing. Unusual. It might happen once in the age of the universe, or again this November in Philadelphia. Still, a vote of 19,605 to zero in 59 districts is difficult to believe, even in strongly democratic districts in urban America.

  • Give me control of the DNC and I care not who the primary voters chose.

(Hmmmm. Ask Bernie Sanders if he agrees.)

  • Give me control of the media and I will tell the people of the world what I want them to know, but not necessarily the facts.
    • There is ample evidence that the media has an agenda and promotes certain ideas, regardless of facts. Examples include, “the economy is fine,” “that Presidential candidate is … fill in your favorite accusation,” “unemployment is less than 5% in the US,” “Social Security benefits are guaranteed and the system is solid,” “weapons of mass destruction,” and so many more.
    • Further, the media can control what is NOT reported as news.
  • Give me control of the statistics and I can assure the public that unemployment is either high or low, GDP is weak or strong, violent crime is getting better or worse, drug abuse is mild or extreme, illegal aliens are sneaking into the country or leaving, gang violence is becoming worse or better, or whatever is needed …

Lies, damned lies and statistics!

  • Give me control of the Fort Knox gold and Americans can rest assured that no gold will be reported missing and there is no need for an audit.

This is self-explanatory and consistent with observations over the past six decades.

Readers will have other suggestions for this list. I encourage you to add them as comments."

The above in italics taken from:  Give Me Control Of A Nation’s Money… | Gold Eagle (gold-eagle.com)

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  • As Americans sleep the dollar continues its decline in value... a TAX that needs no vote or signature to consume our wealth... Quantitative Easing (QE).... the printing of currency to fund the government has become the go-to source for funding.  Funny money, monopoly cash,.... is the food of insanity.

  • The US  Dollar is in serious trouble and it is only time before it implodes and loses its status as the world's Reserve Currency...  When that happens wheelbarrows of cash will be necessary to purchase a loaf of bread.

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