
  • Government + corruption = communism.

    • bingo! Exactly where this country is headed.

  • What are we going o do about it?

    • I guess we are stuck

  • The level of corruption has been growing for a long time. Not just the FBI, but in ALL of Government, and I cannot believe that the GOP, McConnell, and in the House didn't know it was going on. Hell, w/Trump around, they probably HELPED! Sorry people, but we are FCKD. WE have to begin by not re-electing old-guard, long-in-the-tooth representation! This country, as a representative democracy, or whatever the hell you wanna call it, is doomed, and YOUR voice, unless backed w/ greenbacks, will be ignored.

    • Yes it's been there but the real issue here is it is getting stronger and stronger ever since Obama became the president in 2008 when Donald Trump became the president back in 2016 it was a breath of fresh air and now it is getting worse and worse.

  • Well, there is now! They came out of the closet when Trump came down the escalator! 

  • Gestapo and FBI different names same results 

    • Gestapo never claimed to be honest.

  • There is little doubt the FBI is corrupt. The FBI is not the only government agency that is corrupted by the current socialist government. There is also little doubt something must be done about that corruption however absolutely nothing will be done about any corruption as long as these socialist who pose, or is it hide, as democrats remain in power. So called democrat (socialist) control is the reason for all the corruption. However, we have not yet seen the pinnacle of that corruption. The democrat party has armed several agencies with millions of dollars of arms and ammo. As a matter of fact the eighty-seven thousand new IRS agents will be armed. It is a pre-request to be hired by the IRS to be willing to be armed and also be willing to use those arms with deadly force if ordered to do so. Can any patriotic American accept that. Has anyone asked why suddenly it is necessary to have such a police force?

    Does anyone remember when Obama promised the fundamental transformation (which Biden now calls a transition)? In his very next breath he also promised a federal police force just as well funded, trained and equipped as the US military. Not a single supporter attending that Obama speech ever asked what was the transformation into and why was a new federal police force going to be necessary. Furthermore no media outlet ever questioned either one of those promises! Not even FOX! Why do you think that is true? Does every so called democrat support a transformation of the United States into a socialist marxist or communist state? And why are conservatives ignoring these facts.

    Furthermore what makes anyone who is conservative think future elections are going to have any resemblance of being legitimate. The socialist democrats pulled off a coup in 2020 and got away with it. They tried in 16 but failed and they learned a lesson there. Their effort will be fine tuned in the future and unless someone is held responsible that was just the first of many forcing those of us who support our constitution and free enterprise economic system into a conflict to save our liberty. We are getting closer to that conflict every day. Just why does anyone not know that is why Biden is arming so many federal agencies. He knows it is inevitable. Make no mistake about it it is an autocratic form of government these socialist who hide out as democrats are determined to impose on all of us even those who now support them. It is power they seek over every American citizen!

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