We are warned both by our founding fathers and Scripture… that governments are the tools of the righteous, SECURE in a people whose moral character is bound by a greater good than found in man alone… Our rights, yeah… Our very liberty is an inalienable gift from our Creator (God).  If our only security from tyranny lies in the bosom of man… If our only guarantee of life and the pursuit of happiness is found in the restraints of human government, then we are doomed to be most miserable.  As, the hope of mankind is soon lost when men are left, solely to the devices of man.

History bears record of the ill will of man… brought upon his own kind. Beginning with Cain, who slew his brother, Abel, mankind has coveted that which others have, including God’s own thrown… witness, Adam and Eve’s desire to be God. Today, unrighteous men are no different; left to their own devices they will take whatever they can… never being satisfied with what they have.

Let us, therefore, exalt the Church to engage the Body of Christ… once again, to take its proper place as the head of man; too, bring order within the community of mankind… too, establish justice and equity among nations, and the house of man.  Without God… there is no moral equity in the earth, nor justice and liberty… Only, the eternal rise and fall of despots and failed attempts to bring about social tranquility.

Our founding fathers knew God… they trusted in Him, to be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path.  The precepts of God's righteousness are established forever they don’t change with time.  Righteous Government is the fruit of God's ministers on the earth for good. (Ro 12:1-4) We should not fear the government as long as those who are the ministers of government are Godly men.  It is therefore imperative in a just social order, that God be seated at the head of every man, and in every home… at the head of the Halls of Government.

The Church must become actively engaged… in the administration of social justice, in the ordination and blessing of moral LEADERSHIP.  It once crowned the kings of the earth… it must once more act to bless the leadership of a moral nation.  Beginning in the home and extending into the workplace… In commerce, in every aspect of our social interaction, God must reign, the Supreme Judge of the land.  Until the Church purges out the leaven of the world, our Judeo/Christian heritage will be powerless to restore the ‘DREAM’ and promise that was once America.

Our founding fathers fled from the oppressive rule and nature of tyrants… whose religiosity was only exceeded by their immoral and unjust governments.  Will America now accept the trappings of such immorality and unjust men, by putting on the yoke our forefathers abandoned?  We will see, as this Nation must now choose whom it will serve.

By: Ronald A. Nelson

COL, US Army (retired)


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  • Pres. Trump's Cabinet ministers must FIRST and FOREMOST be devout Christians... if we are to have righteous government it will take righteous leadership.

  • Amen, Col. Moral leadership is only found under the binding authority of God Almighty, who rules in the affairs of men. Let us seek wisdom and find it. Let righteousness rule and both reign. It is only widom and morality that bridge the divide between man's government and God's government. Let the Unalienable rights of WE the People be restored through a new and true Justice system, accountable to the Almighty. Let men fear God and receive wisdom, revelation, knowledge and understanding, the fruits of the righteous, they are boundless to the generations. They graced the birth of this country. May they grace the rebirth of this country, for her destiny has yet to be fulfilled. Amen.

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