
If you’re a Trump supporter or someone who backs the police and believes that “All Lives Matter,” Goodyear doesn’t want you as a customer.

The flailing tire company triggered a boycott after an internal “diversity training” presentation showed that Goodyear allows employees to wear Black Lives Matter and LGBT gear but bans MAGA attire or anything that’s pro-police or pro-every other race.

An anonymous employee leaked a photo of the slide, which was presented at Goodyear’s Topeka, Kansas factory. The slide was mandated by Goodyear’s corporate headquarters in Akron, Ohio.

  • Acceptable: Black Lives Matter and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender pride.
  • Unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA attire, political-affiliated slogans.

The anonymous employee who leaked the slide said Goodyear’s policy is discriminatory.

“If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it,” the employee told WIBW. “At the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically-based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory. If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination.”

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  • Fine just one more company I won't buy from.  Bye.

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