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  • Michael and Ronald, you guys are so right. We need the federal government to step in with rules and regulations. The government needs to control access to the internet and the content of the internet, it needs to block commie sites and commie search engines. It needs to exert its power fully. Trump understands that at least as well as we do, which is why I'm sure he is already on the case. Otherwise our freedom and liberties will be lost. 

  • That has been going on for quite some time. But for your own use, try DuckDuckGo. I like it a lot and those elements are not an issue. Very rarely I may have to use Chrome for something. But other than that it's great. It also has safety measures that seem to be working

  • I don't when you checked by I just went on 0737 PDT and found all of them. Maybe you are either trying to stir up some shit or you don't how to use a computer.

    • Now that's a little rude and totally not necessay. I have been following this lady for years. She is spot on. I too have experienced the problems with Chrome and long b4 now. If you were to have any experience with computers you may realize that your computer can be hacked by your enemies. So please try to hold a little restraint with wording your responses.

  • First, the 1st Amendment doesn't provided immunity to anyone from acts of sedition, insurrection, espionage or domestic terrorism.  The President may issue presidential arrests warrants as did Abraham Lincoln for thousands of indivduals including members of the Press and the Supreme Court for acts of sedition, insurrection, espionage and acts of terrorism.    Abraham Lincoln is reported as having issued a Presidential Arrest Warrant for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court  for its exparte Merryman case in 1861.

    There are several sources recalling the Presidential Arrest Warrant issued for Chief Justice Taney in the article located at the above link... one must read the entire article as the bias against such power is evident.  However, under Martial Law the President is the Chief Justice/Judge and law enforcement officer... with the power to issue warrants for the arrest of those he had probable cause to indict and try for criminal acts against the State... So, is the power of teh President in times of war and national emergence... and so must it be as there is little time to debate and adjudicate acts that endanger the survival of our Republic... so it is today.

    Many of the sources today are heavily opposed to the use of  Presidential powers to issue Warrants for the detention, indictment and trial of anyone... even when executed on probable cause and in conjunction with the President's Constitutional Powers too "...TAKE CARE the laws be faithfully executed..."  The leftist and Marxist would however supress liberty and the democratic process by subjecting the President and Congress to the unelected tyranny of rule by Judicial Fiat.... a much more eggregious tyranny than Martial Law or Presidential enforcement of the law through his exercise of his Constitutional powers to faithfully execute the laws as he deems necessary... not teh DOJ, AG, US Attorney's or the Courts... he is the supreme Constitutional law officer and no statute or regulation may assign such powers to OTHER AGENTS of the government.


    Lincoln's Presidential Warrant to Arrest Chief Justice Roger B. Taney 'A Great Crime' or a Fab…
    by Charles Adams by Charles Adams Frederick S. Calhoun, the Chief Historian for the United States Marshal's Service, at the Department of Justice, re…
    • that is good information but what's that have to do with Google removed all conservatives websites?

    • Sorry, Jeff... not sure how it posted here.... however, now that it is here the President's Constituitonal Powers to enforce the law include enforcement against conspiracy to overthrow the government... the direct and indirect use of communications too incite riot, spread sedition, terrorist acts to spread fear and mistrust of the government, espionage etc.  Pres. Trump could your his executive powers to take care the laws be faithfully enforced to go after corporate monopolies on access to the internet and collusion to commit treason or sedition.

    • Glad it did.


    • I would suggest watching the TV mini series "Amerika". It can be viewed in its entirety on you tube. Chris Christopherson stars in it from back in the mid 1980's. It can also be ordered on DVD for around $40.00. Keep in mind while watching it that this was filmed in the mid 80's. This has been planned out for several decades, 50-100 years? The federal reserve bank is at major player in this take over. It is a private bank, it is not federal, and it has no reserves. It is just a name like Federal Express. Anyway, fo watch that video and when you search fo rit, you must use the words "America TV miniseries" or all kinds of BS comers up.

    • You are so right. Trump must, must, must assume total authority over the country including the legislative and the judiciary. He needs to control every nook of the country. He is the only one that can be trusted to preserve our liberty and freedom. 

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