
  • Way worse than Benghazi...............Worse than ISIS TOO!

  • The US has the ability and power to turn this around even this late in the game... if it so chooses.  I would suggest that McCarthy get on the ball to move a rescue mission through Congress and if not that he resign along with McConnel...

    This is a horrible disgrace... it is intolerable that Congress and the GOP are doing nothing effective... Get off their dead asses and move a referendum thru Congress that relieves all the responsible Generals and calls on Biden's Impeachment or they need to both resign and allow those willing to act, do so.

  • McCarthy is a problem, not the solution... instead of supporting the congressman trying to rescue US Citizens, McCarthy worked against them... typical GOP RINO crap

  • Two words for Afghanistan  Hot Mess!!  Also like I have said before on other subjects: We have the best politicians that money can buy. Who has the bucks today?  And what do you want?  Sorry Dogs will not do what's Right!

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