
Covington Catholic high school student Nick Sandmann, who was viciously smeared by the establishment media and has won settlements from the Washington Post and CNN, will speak at the Republican National Convention (RNC), Trump campaign and RNC officials confirmed to Breitbart News exclusively.

In addition to Sandmann, campaign and Convention officials confirmed to Breitbart News what the Washington Post reported previously, that the St. Louis couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey will speak at the RNC next week. In addition, Andrew Pollack—whose daughter Meadow was killed in the Parkland shooting at Stoneham Douglas High School in February 2018—will speak at the Convention, a Trump campaign official confirmed to Breitbart News. Abby Johnson, a former clinic director at Planned Parenthood who is now a leading pro-life activist, will also speak at the Convention, as will South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and GOP candidate for U.S. House and veteran Sean Parnell.

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  • Don't look for fawning and favorable coverage of the GOP convention... with the convention relying on electronic media the GOP will be handicapped as they certainly can not count on fair and equitable coverage by the MSM and social media.  The bias is so overwhelming the problem of getting out the core messages of the GOP campaign may be quite difficult.

  • That is a great line up of real American patriots. - And who did the demonrats have speak at their convention? A bunch of America hating commies!!!

  • How about Diamond & Silk? It would not be a convention without them. 

  • Wow a do not miss line up.  All great people.   This kid Sandmann deserves to be there .    

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