Spineless - Meme Generator

The media lie. All the time. They lied about former President Barack Obama's economy; they tried to make us believe the worst economy since the Great Depression was a great economy. Then they lied about President Donald Trump's soaring economy. They tried to make us believe the best economy in 50 years, maybe the best economy ever for middle-class Americans, was a bad economy.

They lied about the Black Lives Matter riots. For months, we saw radical communists, Marxists and violent thugs riot, loot, burn, mug and murder while attacking police officers with bricks, pipes and Molotov cocktails. They burned entire downtown business districts to the ground, such as those in Minneapolis and Kenosha, Wisconsin. They burned police stations to the ground. They took over cities such as Portland and Seattle. They destroyed famous shopping districts such as Fifth Avenue in New York City and the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. They killed over 30 people. They caused over $2 billion in damage.

Yet liberal politicians and the liberal media ignored it all, or made believe it never happened, or made believe it was "peaceful," or encouraged it, or supported it. In many cases, they did all of the above.

Yet none of them were ever banned, censored, vilified or impeached. Heck, we rewarded Kamala Harris, who encouraged and celebrated that violence, with the vice presidency of the United States.

Then came the Washington, D.C., unrest involving President Trump's crowd. The liberal media blew that out of proportion into "the darkest day in American history," even though it was a small case of unrest compared with "the BLM summer of hate, rioting and murder," even though it may have involved antifa instigators, even though Capitol Police were captured on camera letting protestors into the building, even though it involved a few hundred people out of a crowd of a million or more, even though no one burned down or looted the Capitol. The media made believe it was Pearl Harbor.

Here's the thing. Trump has had hundreds of rallies for six years now. Millions have attended, maybe 20 million-plus. And there's never been one window broken, one property damaged, one person shot, one police officer attacked. Yet after one incident in D.C., it's used as a trigger to ban and censor mention of the fact that the election was clearly stolen; to ban, censor and impeach President Trump; to ban and censor conservatives; and to label all 74 million Trump voters as "domestic terrorists."

There's the scam: Cover up hundreds of violent antifa and Black Lives Matter incidents, and blow out of proportion this one incident of violence at a conservative event involving around 170 people out of 74 million who made a bad decision in the heat of the moment. That's assuming it wasn't antifa causing the small amount of violence.

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  • You can't keep us all shut down. We will speak our voices and call out tyranny whenever it tears its head. Trump will remain a force to be dealt with.

  • Obummer had a terrible economy, it was good under W, and it was the best under Trump who also managed public finances as well as he managed his own. That's what you get when you elect an outsider who is a wildly successful business man, too. 

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