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  • Those that vote for the 60 billion for Ukraine get 60 million back to support their re-election and pad their pockets. It's all a money laurandering scheme and all that vote for it should be in prison.

  • I told republicans at precinct meetings that Tom Tillis was about amnesty years ago, and he will turn on the Republican Party at will. I had to listen to them tell me oh we gotta work together. No, not with Tom Tillis he's bad for North Carolina.

  • TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!!  They do NOTHING to help America but everything to help the one world government crowd!!!!!!!!!!

  • No surprise here... eletest oligarchs and mega-maniacs have no problem in blaming others for their failures and bad decisions.  Ukraine has been part of Russia for several hundred years... The language, culture, and former government were Russian... So how is it that Putin wins? 

    This conflict is a CIVIL WAR... and we had and have no direct interest in it... This would be like Texas unilaterally seceding from the Union... What would the Federal Government do about it? Let Russia and Ukraine sit down and negotiate a settlement they both can accept... stop the killing and destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure.

    The American citizen is not uninformed... we are not stupid.

    • SO true COL,  I have stated several times that it is time to start asking SERIOUS QUESTIONS about our involvement and our need to continue our involvement in UKRAINE, There seems to be no end in sight in this conflict. This is in fact as you stated a CIVIL WAR and a peaceful solution needs to be sought by both RUSSIA and UKRAINE.

    • You are so right. This is a civil war within Russia. This doesn't involve two soverign nations. The Ukraine is Russian territory as are all other former republics of the Soviet Union. Putin is just trying to establish the old Soviet order and we need stay out of it. This includes any former Soviet Republic that's part of NATO today. Come to think of it, it should include all countries of the former Warsaw Pact that are also Russian's territory of influence. Why are we concerned about any of it? What does it matter to us what a great leader like Putin does for his country?

    • Stop being so sarcastic... not all former Soviet Block Nations were provinces of the Russian Empire. Ukraine has a long history of being part of Russia, its government and institutions of commerce and culture have historic ties that reflect that relationship. The Ukraine was recognized as part of Russia reaching back to Peter the Great... and further.

      Large segments of the Ukrainian population identify as ethnic Russians... their language, culture, economy, and families have direct long-term relationships with Russia... The Ukraine War is a CIVIL WAR and we need to stop arming the Rebels (the military-industrial complex is getting rich on the blood of women and children and the US taxpayer)....

      The USA needs to encourage reconciliation through peaceful arbitration and negotiation... NOT WITH BOMBS and artillery shells. Stop the Killing of the innocent with US arms.  Stop feeding the avarice of those manipulating world events to increase their wealth and power.

    • There is nothing sarcastic about this. Other former Soviet Republics share a similar history with Russia. The various "stans" like Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan etc have even less of a national identity or history than the Ukraine has. The same goes for the Baltics and Belarus. They all have a large segment of the population that identifies as Russian today. That's why I am saying it is legit for Russia to re-establish itself along the lines of the Soviet Union. We definitely don't need to get involved. This is an internal Russian issue aka civil war, not a war between independent countries. Any subsequent Russian efforts with other Russian areas like the Baltics and the "stans" need to be viewed the same way. So, I agree with you. What is sarcastic about that?

    • There is a great difference between the Baltic states, Belarus, Romania, and the Kazi... istans... most of those nations have been at war with the Russians for hundreds of years... and their culture, languages, and economies are not linked with Russia like Ukraine... Any attempt to subordinate their sovereignty would be viewed as a violation of their soverign right to their own borders and government.  Unlike the Ukraine.

  • All corruption, in the end (which is probably soon) their sins will find them out!

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