
Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri on Thursday blocked Democrats from passing legislation to remove all the statues of Confederate leaders from the U.S. Capitol.

Blunt said that because states are the ones who decide whose statues will be placed in the Capitol, the process of removing statues should be left to them, The Hill reported.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York and fellow Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey sought to have the bill to remove the statues pass by unanimous consent. Under that rule, no vote is required, but any single senator can block the motion, as Blunt did in this case.

There are 11 statues of Confederate figures in the Capitol. Each state selects two figures to memorialize.

Blunt said he wanted to hear from the states involved and hold hearings as part of the Rules Committee, which he chairs.

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  • Finally someone stands up against the mob. 

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