politics antony blinken Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee has threatened to hold Secretary of State Antony Blinken in contempt of Congress if the State Department does not turn over classified cables related to the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, pledged in a letter Friday — obtained by The Associated Press — to escalate the ongoing battle with the State Department over a so-called dissent cable written by diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul shortly before the August 2021 withdrawal. The new deadline for the State Department to respond is Thursday.

The threat is the latest in an already unprecedented effort by McCaul to force the release of sensitive documents to Congress, setting up what could become a constitutional showdown between House Republicans and the Biden administration on the ability of the legislative branch to conduct oversight.

The July 2021 communication in question reportedly warned Blinken about the potential fall of Kabul via a special “Dissent Channel,” which allows State Department officials to issue warnings or express contrarian views directly to senior agency officials.

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  • For a threat to be credible, it must have penalties and a history of enforcement... there is little history of enforcement and less for penalties. Blinken is probably laughing at McCaul... he certainly isn't ... blinking... under any threat from a Republican.  

  • It is passed time that these documents should have been subpeoned; so talking and do it!  But if the House did subpeona the classified cables, would we actually hear about it.  The media tends to cover up things. 

    • The GOP doesn't want proof of criminal conduct that would require action and failure to act is also UNLAWFUL... It is Misprions of a Felony... and the GOP representatives are masters at Misprison... they need to be threatened with criminal action for failing to report criminal conduct... including ignoring a Congressional subpeana. 

      Do we have a single member in the GOP that knows the basics of law regarding response to a subpoena or lying to Congress?

  • GOP threats plus $1.10 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonald's.  The GOPe will cave in at the first hint of resistence on the part of the commiecrats.

  • Quit Talking and get to the nut cutting!!

    • One has to have nuts to cut them... the GOP doesn't even know what nuts look like and may all be eunuchs... the GOP is the party of Eunuchs.

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