
  • Joe's threat speech was a theatrical production.

    Thats why the fancy mood lighting was employed. 

    In no way would mainstream America buy the load of jackass roadapples Biden was shoveling.

    He is simply serving notice of intent.


    This Gorka fellow seems cognizant, and articulate.

    His podcasts likely will yield value.

    • This "Gorka fellow " is a Hungarian who understands what is going on because he doesn't ignore history, and he understands the enemies, he calls them as he sees them. 

    • Then I expect that Trump was well served by him, as opposed to some of the military mishaps that unfortunately stumbled into his cabinet.

      I shall look forward to Professor Gorkas' input.

  • I still think the Pedo has a body double. My son who dabled in the movie industry for awhile said it is possiblie. He has seen them do it. As I watched Biden for a very short time I noticed hi forehead and it was all crinkling. Maybe the reason they wanter it so dark in the room. Either that or they made sure he had a med. He can hardly speak for 5 minutes without fumbling for words and all of a sudden he can give a very animated speech without fumbling? No way.

    • You probably are right,  Hitler had dubbles  .

    • I agree..these commies are doing everything to fool the sheeple...noy me

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