Part 2: Costco refused to refund my membrrship fees. About a week later I stood in front of Costco holding a sign that basically explained that Costco sells Chinese-made products, China created the virus, and they intentionally spread it by any means, including thru their products. A masked customer started an argument with name calling, and I ultimately faked a sneeze into his shopping cart full of tampons. He grabbed me by the shirt tearing it, and punched me at least twice in the face while holding me by the shirt. A Costco employee came up and said it was my fault I was assaulted. I knew where that was heading. Long story short, the 3 Costco employees and the customer put together a false narrative while completely omitting the assault. Cops pulled me over, said I had charges pending. The cops would not let me tell my side of what happened unless they read me my rights.I had to get a lawyer to find out the story, which was lies. The judge didnt want my lawyer to depose the "witnesses", for obvious reasons. So we are getting a different judge.
I am going to be made an example of big time, and I am alone.
Too late for me. Costco started the idiotic Biden Support Diaper a week before Pasco County. I was blindsided, and it would have been nice if the paying members were notified, but no. I have respiratory issues and can't wear a mask. Three masked Costco employees surrounded me while maintaining a 6 foot distance as if they were attached to the central point by a cable. They also called their Customer Service Hotline, which is 911. I was irate, stating that I am disabled and they cannot by law discriminate against me. Also by law they are required to provide alternate ways to shop for disabled people. They would have none of that, and they escorted me out the front door. They continued following me while videoing. My wife was sitting in the car, upset that 3 masked thugs were recording me, her, and her car. It didnt end there. Part 2 coming up shortly
Jeff Noncent > Nicholas VaccaroMay 15, 2021 at 1:23pm
I use to work for Costco little did I know I left Costco almost 4 years ago and I am so happy that I did the founder spoke at the Democratic convention back in the 2012 election and now the Democratic party represents Satan himself thank God I left this company before this happen.
Governor Desantis is the best governor in the country! He would make a great future President. The judge in this case needs to go. Maybe he can get a job flipping burgers at Burger King.
Communism, communism comunisim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this man
Part 2: Costco refused to refund my membrrship fees. About a week later I stood in front of Costco holding a sign that basically explained that Costco sells Chinese-made products, China created the virus, and they intentionally spread it by any means, including thru their products. A masked customer started an argument with name calling, and I ultimately faked a sneeze into his shopping cart full of tampons. He grabbed me by the shirt tearing it, and punched me at least twice in the face while holding me by the shirt. A Costco employee came up and said it was my fault I was assaulted. I knew where that was heading. Long story short, the 3 Costco employees and the customer put together a false narrative while completely omitting the assault. Cops pulled me over, said I had charges pending. The cops would not let me tell my side of what happened unless they read me my rights.I had to get a lawyer to find out the story, which was lies. The judge didnt want my lawyer to depose the "witnesses", for obvious reasons. So we are getting a different judge.
I am going to be made an example of big time, and I am alone.
Too late for me. Costco started the idiotic Biden Support Diaper a week before Pasco County. I was blindsided, and it would have been nice if the paying members were notified, but no. I have respiratory issues and can't wear a mask. Three masked Costco employees surrounded me while maintaining a 6 foot distance as if they were attached to the central point by a cable. They also called their Customer Service Hotline, which is 911. I was irate, stating that I am disabled and they cannot by law discriminate against me. Also by law they are required to provide alternate ways to shop for disabled people. They would have none of that, and they escorted me out the front door. They continued following me while videoing. My wife was sitting in the car, upset that 3 masked thugs were recording me, her, and her car. It didnt end there. Part 2 coming up shortly
I use to work for Costco little did I know I left Costco almost 4 years ago and I am so happy that I did the founder spoke at the Democratic convention back in the 2012 election and now the Democratic party represents Satan himself thank God I left this company before this happen.
Time to stand up and tell the federal government you do not control the people We the People are the government and you work for us.
I second that with a heartbeat.
How abuot that - a govenor who actually stands up for his people.
Governor Desantis is the best governor in the country! He would make a great future President. The judge in this case needs to go. Maybe he can get a job flipping burgers at Burger King.
I will second that with a heartbeat although I love Trump, Trump is in his 70' we need a younger man in the white house.