SC Sen. Tim Scott calls Trump's words 'racially offensive ...Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called out Democrats on Wednesday for blaming President Donald Trump for police brutality against blacks.

He noted that Democrats had eight years under former President Barack Obama to do something on the issue, but didn’t.

“I spent five hours … on the Judiciary Committee listening yesterday, and it was a fascinating hearing. There’s a process in the Air Force called listen, learn and lead. To my colleagues on the other side who said we talk too much. We don't need to listen anymore. Where were you for the eight years of the Obama administration?” Graham asked at a Capitol Hill press conference on the Senate’s proposal for police reform.

“I'm getting a little tired of being lectured to by my Democratic colleagues that all of this is Trump's fault. You had eight years under President Obama. The Justice in Policing Act, none of it was taken up virtually, so let's knock that off,” he said. 
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