James Comey tells the truth - Imgflip

Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 30 about the bureau's investigation into Russia's election meddling and the Trump campaign, according to Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

“The day of reckoning is upon us. ... James Comey has agreed to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Graham told Fox News. “He will be respectfully treated but asked hard questions.”

Graham said the committee staff is still negotiating with former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to try to get his testimony without a subpoena.

Former special counsel Robert Mueller has declined to testify before the committee about his approximately two-year investigation, Graham added.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee had pushed for Mueller to testify, arguing that if Republicans are going to probe the FBI’s Russia investigation and Mueller’s subsequent investigation, the former special counsel should be able to come and explain and defend his work to the committee.

Getting Comey to testify marks a step forward for Graham, who has pledged for months that he would force the former director to testify in September and has been under pressure from conservatives to move faster.

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