
  • Ilona, I am very glad that you agree about Trump.   He will be a lot wiser and tougher if he can win again.  He will really drain the swamp.   Try your best to convince more people, especially those who are thinking of supporting DeSantis!    DeSantis should follow up Trump for another 8 years, he will be a shoe it!      The only reason that Trump would not win is if the Democrats cheat like they did in 2020.   Mike

  • Use all information when Biden is gone from office so he cannot pardon himself and family members!

  • I hope that all conservatives continue to rally around Trump.  I know that Trump made a lot of mistakes and was very naive, but he is only human.   What can you expect when you are surrounded by traitors which you are relying on to tell you the truth, and trying to run an entire country.   We really need a leader than can take charge.   Trump had the chance to be that leader, but instead of taking charge when he was still president, still incharge of the military, and had 81 million voters backing him, he bailed and left us hanging.    Now he is dealing from a position of weakness, but if if everybody continues to support him, he can win again!   He is a real fighter that loves America and If he does win again, I have no doubt that he will be many times tougher and more effective in draining the swamp.  I think that DeSantis is a real shit running against  Trump and thereby dividing the vote to give the Demos a better chance at winning.    He should throw his support behind Trump, because if we lose the election in 2024 we won't get another chance ever!   If we win, then DeSantis would be a shoe in for the next 8 years.

    • Michael, I totally agree with you. The GOP needs to go all in on Trump 2024 and then get DeSantis in in 2028 for two terms. That's how we could save our beloved Republic. 

    • Yup, Trump first, he NOW knows and will clean house. DeSantis can and should wait, we will see who else is there in another 4 years. All republicans should rally around Trump, make him the ONLY candidate!

  • So here we go again more investigations and in the end NOTHING is going to change, OLE JOE will finish out his present term and could possibly be reelected all the while Republicans go running in front of every tv camera they can find telling the American people why JOE BIDEN should be removed from office yet they take no steps to ensure it happens, Prime example this past week 26 Republicans voted AGAINST TAKING ANY ACTION AGAINST ADAM SCHIFF, AFTER KNOWING FULL WELL HOW HE INTENTIONALLY LIED. 

  • The evidence is clear and mounting just like it did for the stolen election in 2020. What does it do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No prosecution, no indictments. Instead they go after President Trump on trumped up charges without any evidence whatsoever.

    Let's face it. President Trump is right yet again. The USA has become a banana republic. Its institutions are corrupt to the bone. It's not a country anyone can be proud of. Instead of pride, we the people are left with hurt, anger, and fear of how much further down we go. President Trump is the only decent and honest politician who can rescue our beloved country. 

  • I can just think what was running through Biden's mind in the latter years when he was still Vice President. He had stepped aside for Hillary to run for President. He assumed Hillary would easily win the Presidency in 2016, and so he crafted plans to enrich himself and his family as much as possible, regardless of the illegality, and then Joe would retire from politics, and enjoy his elder years. Hillary would have helped hide all of the incriminating evidence that is slowly emerging. Now all of the Democrat leaders are scrambling.

  • The democommies can only "keep the lid on the corruption" as long as they can keep Garland in the AG's office and I don't see McCarthy and the Rinos "rushing" to remove him, even after his bold-faced lies to Congress!

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