
  • There is no way on earth the media will make us accept 80 million Americans voted for a socialist government 

    • The Marxist don't need to convince voters... they have the Secretary of State in a majority of States and together with their Deep State allies they are in charge of counting the votes in most states. The corruption of our electoral system includes RINO's willing to CERTIFY corrupt elections as legitimate. 

      Look we are dealing with Marxists... they don't care what the People believe about the election.  They could care less how the People acctually vote, as long as they COUNT THE VOTES and CERTIFY THE ELECTIONS they win.  I remember reading an article several decades ago which reported that the Democrat Party was concentrating on placing their party members in two offices: The Secretary Of State and the Attorney Generals Office, as they saw those two offices key in controlling the outcome of elections and how the corruption of an election would be treated.  The result has been the disenfranchisement of the People from the election process... they no longer hold the franchise on their ballots.

  • eveything that antifa is doing the fascists were doing in germany from about 1920-1945 . both use violent mobs on the streets to push their agenda. in germany they had concentration camps now a days there exists abortion clinics and in both cases the oppressors made money off their victims . by selling things like false teeth and hair back then and  now it's body parts.propaganda played a big role in both groups dealings. both the fascists and antifa are ok with total destruction of even them selves. followers of both groups are blindly loyal

  • Anarchist and Progressives believe they have the moral high ground and any lawlessness is permitted as the ends always justifies the means... including, violence and rigged elections.

  • Lawlessness is anarchy. Anarchy means it is open season on the criminals among us. Do those striving to create anarchy understand they are writing their own death warrant?

  • We The People Are Active And Will Fight DemocRat Voter Fraud! 

  • All I can say is to quote the Bible "You will reap what you sow" Their day is coming either by the LORD JESUS or by American Patriots

  • Dummycrats need to brush up on 1851 history of Lawlessness. Go ahead abolish the police, free all the prison inmates, let ANTIFA & BLM burn and loot America freely and you know what will happen?  A 100 million Paul Kersey's will come out of the woodwork and give the criminals their wish, a Death Wish.

    Need an investment? Invest in Funeral Homes, body bag manufacturers and hemp rope. Vigilante Committees will be the Judge, Jury and executioners. Democrats, some Republicans and lets not forget the Marxists, who think having a gun protects them but the vigilante mob will have guns, swords, pitchforks, axes and baseball bats.

    • Please do not leave the university liberal arts PhDs out of the hanging party, they are a principal cause of much of our problems with far-left radicles.


  • "They knew they could get away with it".

    there has been no accountability for their actions.

    its (way past) time to end this nonsense...once and for all.

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