The corruption during the Obama presidency is not over yet. It’s just beginning…
The well-known “Non-For-Profit” organization, the Protect Democracy Project, is currently involving itself in the Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County.
They are officially connected to Obama, Soros, China, and Biden’s DOJ and are fighting to prevent an accurate count of the county’s valid votes.
Yesterday it was reported that some legal firms joined the Not-For-Profit Protect Democracy Project in threatening the auditors selected in Arizona by the Senate to audit the 2020 Election results of Maricopa County:
In a letter emailed Tuesday to the Senate’s hired auditors, attorneys for the non-profit voting-rights group Protect Democracy and three Phoenix firms warn that the auditors’ plan to knock on doors to search for voters likely violates state and federal law.
read more:
I always thought no-one was above the law. Isn’t that what the Democrats tell us? Is it illegal to knock on someone’s door to speak with them? What has this country come too? One side [Communist Democrats] can do anything they want, but American Patriots are nor allowed to do anything. Pathetic, they don’t want us to know they cheated, but we all know they did!!
There is no difference in the tactics used by the democommunists that what has and is being done in China. Fake news, corruption, social media censorship, destroying/ burning books and evidence, killing, burning and looting. What the difference between them and China? Please watch video:
Justification for in acting article V of the Constitution and call for a Covention Of Stares. We will take away their money and power and give it back to the states, as the founders intended. Federal government overreach needs to be taken away, the IRS and Fed abolished. This is long overdue and we will win in the end, so help us GOD.
I like your thinking, Tim Ruckman!
But the Democrats still state Biden won a fair election ........ what do they have to hide? If Biden won, the audit will prove it ........ in the Democrat's frigging dreams! The thieving bastards on the left all deserve to be put to death for treason. ALL OF THEM.
They committed fraud and treason and god will see that the demons are put to death. They will have no place to hide in this world and the next one. May they burn in hell with their god lucifer.
It was nothing but a coup to seize power, even in Georgia Senate race, nothing but a coup. A coup d'état or coup is the removal and seizure of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator. Many scholars consider a coup successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. Wikipedia
A significant differance is that the states are reasserting their state sovereignty into blocks of resistance that federal dictates will have no procedural way of overcoming, short of military action. So a limited Coup in time legnth and scope potentially.
State nullification of federal unconstitutional acts is going to be a nasty bitch for Washington D.C., not seen seriously since the 1830s up to the Civil war.
Federal justification of overbearance in states attempts to resurrect States rights has gone threadbare.IMHO
The dictator is Joe Biden, the democommunists and China all conspired to take down Trump and sieze power in the senate.
They know that we will find the truth.