
  • "''First do no Harm '' Law written after the Nuremberg trials 1946 , that exposed the medical atrocities & experiments ,they illegally performed on the POW's . ''No law or government can force the taking of an experimental product '' The mNRA spike protein is not a vaccine but was marketed as one . Key words here EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS. Doctors can no longer claim well '' I was just following orders '' . They have all forsaken their oath , they committed treason and crimes against humanity . They need to be held accountable , judged , convicted and sentenced to death . The FDA-CDC-WHO-BIG PHARMA , are criminals & mass murderers . Along with their treasonous, bought & paid for , corrupt politicians , who gave the pharmaceuticals IMMUNITY against injuries and deaths caused by their deadly jabs , they need to be arrested ASAP . Fraudci , must not be allowed to be above the law . That little hobgoblin is responsible for countless thousands , nay millions of injuries & deaths . The biden crime family , the clintons, bushes, obamma + so many more , the Alphabet Agencies + the corporations who owns them , can no longer escape the law . DEMS are the enemy of the people, as the libs are enemies to the people in Canada... Only our UNITY will end their attempt @ global genocide......".

    • Every penny should be striped from each and every one of these murderers. 

  • dementia doesn't have the mental capacity to say these things on his own, he is merely saying what his puppet masters tell him to say!!!!!  He is very corrupt and very evil so has no problem acting as their puppet!!!!!  I will fight them with every bit of effort my old, disabled body has!!!!!!!!!!

    • You are correct I will go further than that the Devil is his father a long with Obama and their cronies make him say what he said

  • Saul Alinsky rules apply here!

  • Are our Republicans leaders so stupid that they don't see Hitler in the Oval Office time for them to say the truth tell us evil want to destroy our country and our life 

    • Lorenzo, they can see it bust most of them are complicit!!!!!!!!!!


    • Let's put the Republicans party a side for a second because this is bigger than Republicans and democrats put together 

  • This is purely Demonic people and he is not running this country it is Obama that is running this country a long with the Devil himself 

    • No trurer word said: It is obama ....arrest him and it stops!

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