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  • The Haley chick is so fake, she is only in this for money and power.

  • Not a NIKI SUPPORTER  and will never vote for her, I think those calling for her to get out of the PRIMARY should take a wait and see attitude until after SOUTH CAROLINA, If she loses her own state she should consider dropping  out If she cant win the state that she was the GOVENOR OF she has NO CHANCE AT THAT POINT.  If she has POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS in the future she should consider dropping out by staying in the race she is not only hurting her future she is hurting the party at that point, Her message just inst resonnating with the American Voters in fact she has no message, Bashing JOE BIDEN WHOM WE ALL KNOW IS A  TERRIBLE LEADER AND BASHING DONALD TRUMP WHOM WE KNOW DID A GREAT JOB INSTEAD OF TALKING About the real issues we are facing as a nation and giving us solutions as to how she will resolve them is the message she needs to be talking about, We know all that is wrong we just want to hear what she and for that matter DONALD TRUMP intends to do to repair the  damage created by the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION, Enough of the personal attacks from all of them lets get down to business and give us solutions.

  • Good grief. Is she blind as a bat? 

  • ILONA&JANET: The "subject" is a WASTE OF TIME anyway

    • I scan through some of this obviously not looking is a waste of time RICHARD. What is the use? What is she gaining other than donations? She'll never live in the WH.....nor should she. 

      Thanks for the responses everyone!

  • I'm missing the point here, would someone explain please.

    • her staff typed it up, took a screenshot to tell the world about all her "emails" she gets... but the screenshot gave away the schtick... laughing

      they didn't actually 'send' this email before they screenshot it....., it wouldn't have the 'send' button on the bottom if it was an inbound email to you.

    • People in Haley's campaign staff are posting FAKE emails to make people think that she has more support out there than she really does.... It's just like the fake news telling you that Biden leads Trump in the polls when he really doesn't. Corrupt political strategy...


    • Me to?

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