This great nation of ours can not exist with HALF MEASURES ... once committed to the return of the Rule of law, the President must not waiver or pull back... to waiver will signal a lack of decisiveness and the commitment to follow through. The President faces some very critical decisions over the next few days and coming weeks... he will either use his office to put down the Marxist revolution in our streets or KNEEL before the sword of our enemies. He will either, by default, apologize for being WHITE and the PRESIDENT or end the race-baiting and civil unrest

Make no mistake, the Office of President and with it, our Constitutional government is being challenged... Black racist and their Marxist allies are at war for the very fabric of our nation and the President is the only defense we have.  As President he is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the land, he establishes the quintessential climate for law and order... through his focus on the equitable enforcement of the law.  The President is responsible for maintaining law and order in such a manner as to provide for the security of the nation and the safety of its citizens.  The present situation is untenable as the law does neither.

Let us pray that the President uses his powers to restore liberty and Constitutional law... the unlawful and misguided rioters are indeed the embodiment of Domestic Terrorism.  The current round of riots is meant to disrupt the economy, impact our electoral process, and to depose the Office of President. Even if the current riots subside... without arrests and incarceration of those instigating them... we can expect they will return in November, to impede our elections... Domestic violence will lead to a contested election, no matter who wins, the ensuing violence and civil unrest may well bring on full-scale civil war.

The President needs to act NOW, to restore law and order ... not later... there may not be a later.

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  • Tucker of Fox News is worried and so am I... the President is failing to defend the US Constitution against insurrection on a massive scale... and the people no longer see a champion in the oval office...

    Here is what Tucker has to say:

    "TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: President Trump may lose this election. Unless fundamental facts change soon, it will be tough for him to be reelected. Trump’s loss would mean, just a few months from now, Joe Biden becomes the president. The United States government would fall under the control of the radicals who control Joe Biden. They will remake the country. We know that virtually nobody watching this show wants to hear that. But it’s true. Key people around the president know it. They see the numbers. They’re worried."

    For more see;

    Tucker Carlson: Americans Feel Undefended And Neglected, Expect A President To Respond To A Crisis
    Tucker Carlson warned the anti-statue movement "cult" could do irreparable harm to President Trump's presidency and reelection campaign. On Thursday'…
  • bump

  • We continue to observe a reluctance to deal with the underlying problems creating the massive lawlessness in America... a  decaying social order, inflamed by a raucous and dangerous Deep State... whose hate for Pres. Trump has overridden their sanity and brought chaos to main street America... The current situation calls for Presidential action to stop the riots and insurrection.... to remove those behind these events from the Public Square by the most expedient means... or face the very real probability of massive civil unrest in November... as they left will only become more violent and bolder as election day approaches.

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