Hamas v. Palestine

Source; Anonymous

hamas oppresses Palestinians and has no concern for the lives of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. They have openly stated that they are willing to sacrifice countless Palestinian lives—"martyrs"—for their cause, which is the ultimate eradication of Israel. They have spent billions building a vast underground network to protect themselves and their weaponry, but they haven't built a single bomb shelter for Gazan civilians or sheltered them in their tunnels. They are prolonging the devastating war in Gaza, and the humanitarian crisis there, in order to maintain their power and authoritarian rule in Gaza.

students for justice in Palestine. sjp is the leading group behind the protests on the vast majority of campuses and is pro-hamas. This makes the protests effectively pro-Hamas, just like a protest organized by the KKK against affirmative action would be racist, regardless of the intent of individual protesters. While there are certainly pro-Palestinian individuals, there is no pro-Palestinian movement. There is a hate Israel movement that brings together people of various ideologies who hate Israel for different reasons–Palestininan nationalism, pan-Arab nationalism, radical Islamism, anti-colonialism, antisemitism, among others–and that facilitates solidarity among groups that might otherwise be at each other's throats, like radical Islamists and radical secular leftists, among many other strange bedfellows. The Palestinians are a prop for this Israel-hatred. When "the movement" has the choice between supporting something that would benefit both Israelis and Palestinians, or something that would harm both, it will always choose the latter. Pro-Palestinian individuals have had a golden opportunity since Oct. 7 to form organizations that support Palestinian rights but explicitly reject hamas and the violent destruction of Israel. But they so far haven't taken it.

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