More Proof Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder; Because Baby They're Crazy Out  There! – Dave Scott Blog

Instead of using the traditional term, “women,” to describe which half of the population has the ability to get pregnant and give birth, woke elitists at Harvard decided to use a far less common term: “birthing people.”

While promulgating a panel on “maternal justice,” in November, the Harvard Med Postgraduate and Continuing Education Twitter account alleged that “ethnic minority pregnant and birthing people suffer worse outcomes and experiences during and after pregnancy and childbirth.”

Twitter: @HMSPostgradCE | November 9, 2020

The panel purports that “inequities” have been “further highlighted” by the Chinese Coronavirus.

The tweet, almost immediately, attracted criticism for using the term “birthing people,” instead of simply using the word “women.” One Twitter user pointed out the unnecessary and nonsensical term, tweeting: “‘Birthing people’ are women. Pregnant women. Mothers.”


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